User:WolfgangFahl/Workdocumentation 2015-11-01 WF

< Wolfgang Fahl
Wolfgang FahlUser:WolfgangFahl/Workdocumentation 2015-11-01 WF

List of Talks by Speaker[edit]

 Has speakerHas titleHas description
Introducing Performance MonitorAchim BodeIntroducing Performance MonitorThe PerformanceMonitor extension profiles the work of PHP functions and methods on your server. These "profiles" (i.e. logfiles) are stored as Json-Trees in the file system. After profiling you can use the Special Page Special:PerformanceMonitor to visualise the results as diagrams. The diagrams allow drilling down to more detailed levels and show you, what the f*** the server does all the time you are waiting for it.
Housing for people with disabilitiesAd Strack van SchijndelHousing for people with disabilitiesHow SMW is a strong basis for an innovative website that matches people with disabilities to special housing opportunities.
Juggel ListsAd Strack van SchijndelJuggel ListsJuggel is a highly flexible MediaWiki-based information and productivity platform. The configurability is demonstrated through Juggel lists.
Open CSP launchAd Strack van SchijndelOpen CSP launchOpen CSP is the open source framework that turns the MediaWiki platform into a powerful Enterprise ready workspace. This talk is about Open CSP and the launch of Open CSP as it becomes available today.
A MediaWiki based open source content services platformAd Strack van SchijndelA MediaWiki based open source content services platformMake the case for a MediaWiki based open source content services platform. We know what MediaWiki and open source is. I will explain more about a content services platform, what it may provide and why companies around the world might want one.
SMW as working environment for small companiesAd Strack van SchijndelSMW for businessTalk on using SMW as a working environment for small companies, covering processes from CRM to invoicing.
Ecommerce wikiAd Strack van SchijndelEcommerce wikiThis presentation introduces the Ecommerce wiki as a best practice example for Semantic MediaWiki.
Semantic MediaWiki in professional environmentsAd Strack van Schijndel
Richard Heigl
Simon Dückert
Semantic MediaWiki in professional environmentsThe open source alternative between Confluence, Sharepoint and other enterprise content solutions
AI-supported KM with JuggelAd Strack van SchijndelAI assistants for organizationsOur life is going to be AI assisted.

The talk will be about Juggel, the name of a platform that allows to effectively create and use AI assistants. GPTs in the context of an organization or business.

The demo will show that MediaWiki with Semantic MediaWiki is an excellent basis for powerful AI assistants.
IntroductionBernhard Krabina
Ad Strack van Schijndel
IntroductionOverview of the conference
User-friendly wikisAd Strack van SchijndelUser-friendly wikisWikibase Solutions creates MediaWiki sites that don't look or feel like wikis. Then what do they look and feel like? That question will be answered. Also will be shown what the ingredients are to accomplish some appealing wikis.
Open Content Services PlatformAd Strack van SchijndelOpen Content Services PlatformOpen CSP in short is envisioned to be the MediaWiki based foundation for knowledge and productivity platforms. This talk is about Open CSP and the ideas behind it. - a shared Railway Digital Knowledge VaultLucian Anghel
Alain Jeanmaire - a shared Railway Digital Knowledge VaultUse Semantic MediaWiki to support the sectorial initiatives for a shared Railway Digital Knowledge Vault. This talk will address the underlying use case, the implementation and pending issues.
semantic::core go!Alexander Gesinnsemantic::core go!Free MediaWiki distribution including Semantic, Visual Editor, Elasticsearch and many more powerful extensions.
semantic::isms - The Smart ISMS-WikiAlexander Gesinnsemantic::isms - The Smart ISMS-WikiHow to use Semantic MediaWiki for the regulatory compliant operation of a management system for information security.
Integrated Management System for logistics: BPMN to compliance-ready assets across ISO, IFS, and beyondAlexander GesinnIntegrated Management System for logistics: BPMN to compliance-ready assets across ISO, IFS, and beyondThis presentation showcases an IMS built on SMW that enhances compliance in logistics through BPMN synchronization, QR code asset management, and a local AI for privacy-conscious querying.
Information Security Management System (ISMS) with Semantic MediaWikiAlexander GesinnInformation Security Management System (ISMS) with Semantic MediaWikiThis talk shows how an ISMS according to ISO/IEC 27001 or BSI IT-Grundschutz can be implemented with Semantic MediaWiki.
semantic core - A look back into seven years of Enterprise Class MediaWiki and an outlook into the futureAlexander Gesinnsemantic core - A look back into seven years of Enterprise Class MediaWiki and an outlook on the futureThis talk will provide a look back into seven years of Enterprise Class MediaWiki as well as an outlook into the future.
The Glossary Jigsaw: Unraveling Overlapping Terms from Diverse SourcesAlexander GesinnThe Glossary Jigsaw: Unraveling Overlapping Terms from Diverse SourcesThis talk highlights the effective utilization of Semantic MediaWiki to streamline and harmonize complex glossaries sourced from diverse origins, mitigating the challenges posed by overlapping or identical glossary terms.
The Embassy of Good Science - SMW powered portal for research ethics and integrityAlexander Gesinn
Sebastian Schmid
The Embassy of Good Science - SMW powered portal for research ethics and integrityThe goal of The Embassy of Good Science is to promote research integrity among all those involved in research. The platform is open to anyone willing to learn or support others in fostering understanding and awareness around Good Science.
Industrial WikiAlexander GesinnIndustrial WikiThis presentation provides an introduction to Semantic MediaWiki applications in the industrial environment.
SMW as a part of an Industry 4.0 LandscapeAlexander GesinnSMW as a part of an Industry 4.0 LandscapeThis talk details how SMW can be part of an Industry 4.0 landscape.
Semantic Business Process Management - BPM meets SMWAlexander GesinnSemantic Business Process Management - BPM meets SMWIn this talk, I would like to show, how BPM could benefit from semantic technologies through the use of Semantic MediaWiki. successfully implemented numerous Semantic MediaWiki powered BPM projects since 2011. I'd like to share some insights with the community and enterprise users.
Interactive Pollutant Mapping Powered by SMWAlexander Gesinn
Franz Borrmann
Interactive Pollutant Mapping Powered by SMWIn many countries, the remediation of in-house pollutants such as PCB and asbestos has come into the focus. We want to show how SMW powered pollutant register and mapping can be used to document measurements, direct remedial actions and inform stakeholders.
Hey Wiki!Alexander GesinnHey Wiki!Connecting SMW with a local AI in a ChatGPT like way.
ConfIDent - a SMW-powered platform for academic eventsAlexander Gesinn
Julian Franken
ConfIDent - a SMW-powered platform for academic eventsConfIDent makes descriptive metadata on conferences and other formats of scientific events permanently accessible in a high quality through automated processes and scientific data curating.
Semantic BPMN - Business Process Management the wiki wayAlexander GesinnSemantic BPMN - Business Process Management the wiki waySemantic Wiki + BPMN 2.0 Editor: A strong team to establish a culture of continual improvement and sustainable business processes.
Automating Knowledge Intensive ProcessesAlexander GesinnAutomating Knowledge Intensive ProcessesIn this talk, we will show how knowledge-intensive business processes can be documented and automated through the symbiosis of SMW and a BPMN-workflow engine.
Corpus2Wiki: A Tool for Automatically Generating Wikiditions in Digital HumanitiesAlexander Mehler
Wahed Hemati
Corpus2Wiki: A Tool for Automatically Generating Wikiditions in Digital HumanitiesCorpus2Wiki is a tool for generating so-called Wikiditions out of text corpora. It provides text analyses, annotations and their visualizations without requiring programming or advanced computer skills.
Community discussionToni Hermoso Pulido
Cornelia Veja
Alina Mierlus
Markus Krötzsch
Karsten Hoffmeyer
Community discussionCommunity discussion about the future of SMW and SMWCon
Major changes on interfaces of MediaWiki rdbms libraryAmir SarabadaniMajor changes on interfaces of MediaWiki rdbms libraryWe have overhauled interfaces of the MediaWiki rdbms library for developers to make it more aligned with industry practices, including but not limited to IConnectionProvider, virtual domains, query builders, expression builders and more. This talk goes over the changes, the reasoning and how to adopt the new interfaces.
Challenges with Annotating Liver Patient Data for Cognition-Guided SurgeryBenedikt Kämpgen
Andreas Adler
Patrick Philipp
Challenges with Annotating Liver Patient Data for Cognition-Guided SurgeryWe describe preliminary insights about annotating liver patient data in a research project on cognition-guided surgery.
Enterprise Linked Data: Open or closed?Andreas BlumauerEnterprise Linked Data: Open or closed?In this talk I will throw new light on the reasons why metadata is key for professional information management, and why W3C's semantic web standards are so important to reduce costs of data management through economies of scale. I will discuss from a multi-stakeholder perspective several use cases for the industrialization of semantic technologies and linked data.
Skepticism with Scientific Wikis - The Strengths and WeaknessesIsaac Farley
Andrew Geary
Skepticism with Scientific Wikis - The Strengths and WeaknessesSkepticism plays a crucial role in the sciences. Scientists are trained to question. But, what are the strengths and weaknesses of skepticism in launching a wiki designed for and by a scientific community. We'll present our experience with the applied geophysical community and its wiki, the SEG Wiki.
Backend infrastructure experience exchange e.g. SqlStore, Elasticsearch, Blazegraph, Virtuoso, JenaLaurent Alquier
Wolfgang Fahl
Lex Sulzer
Jeroen De Dauw
André Castro
Ansgar Steinhorst
Backend infrastructure experience exchange e.g. SqlStore, Elasticsearch, Blazegraph, Virtuoso, JenaPanel discussion
Importing RDF ontologies to SMW with ontology2smw and Academic Event OntologyPhilip Strömert
André Castro
Importing RDF ontologies to SMW with ontology2smw and Academic Event OntologyIn this talk we like to present an overview of the process and challenges of automating an RDF ontology import into SemanticMediawiki with ontology2smw, in the context of the confIDent project and how Academic Event Ontology (AEON) is being developed to support the requirements of Semantic Mediawiki.
WikiProd – Real-time maintenance of production with Semantic MediaWikiRichard Heigl
Anja Ebersbach
WikiProd – Real-time maintenance of production with Semantic MediaWikiIn this case study we can show the innovative potential of Semantic MediaWiki for an industrial plant.
Wiki and Multilingualism - a contradiction?Anja EbersbachWiki and Multilingualism - a Contradiction?How to Build a Multilingual Wiki
DBpedia Mappings wikiAnja JenztschDBpedia Mappings wikiDBpedia mappings wiki is an open wiki where poeple can map wikipedia infoboxes to the DBpedia ontology
SMW used for conceptual alignment of Digital Transformation ProjectsAnsgar SteinhorstSMW used for conceptual alignment of Digital Transformation ProjectsDigital transformation projects require a shared understanding of the domain in scope to align the different parties involved. We propose to use a semantic knowledge graph to achieve this. The SMW is used as editor for the required ontologies, the business practice templates and the instances of the enterprise model. SMW synchronizes semantic data into a triple-db. We explain and show how such a use case can be modeled. We show how the semantic model can be explored with an intuitive user interface using external apps.
PDF Citation HighlighterAnton KromPDF Citation HighlighterA lightweight Python application that identifies and highlights continuous text patterns (such as citation text) in PDF documents, whether uploaded to MediaWiki or from external sources.
Datafication of juridical texts in real estateArjen SantemaDatafication of juridical texts in real estateIn the datafication of juridical texts in real estate we combine a complete round-trip set of semantic web technogies. We built a skos-based taxonomy to organize the knowledge we derive from the text models and translate that knowledge into an ontology. The result is an rdf-a document that contains all the relevant data that conforms to the ontology and is self-explaining by the taxonomy.
Knowledge Graph research and the role of SMWLydia Pintscher
Markus Krötzsch
Denny Vrandečić
Axel Polleres
Emanuel Sallinger
Marta Sabou
Knowledge Graph research and the role of SMW - closing sessionIn a panel discussion we will highlight the state of the art about knowledge graph research and talk about the role of SMW.
SMW for Scientific Literature ManagementBahar SateliSMW for Scientific Literature ManagementDuring this session we will demonstrate how a SMW-based system can be used for scientific literature management.
Smarter WikisBahar SateliCurrent status and next steps for SMWPresenting the Semantic Assistants Wiki-NLP integration architecture for automatically deriving SMW metadata from wiki contents through Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its application in the IntelliGenWiki for genomics research as well as the ReqWiki system for Software Requirements Engineering.
Smart data for smarter fire fightersBart van LeeuwenSmart data for smarter fire fightersJoin Bart van Leeuwen on his journey to help fire services better utilize their data, understand the challenges of information sharing in crisis situations and the struggle of accountability based on data.
Semantic MediaWiki for Collaborative Corpora AnalysisBasil EllSemantic MediaWiki for Collaborative Corpora AnalysisLinguistic application of SMW
OTTR (Reasonable Ontology Templates) ExtensionBasil Ell
Florian Schröder
Moritz Blum
OTTR (Reasonable Ontology Templates) ExtensionOur extension implements the ontology modeling patterns language OTTR into SMW, allowing the definition and instantiation of patterns by users, supporting the most common OTTR features.
Semantic MediaWiki, Zero to HeroBen FletcherSemantic MediaWiki, Zero to HeroThis talk is aimed at those who are new to using Semantic MediaWiki or those who think it might be the solution to their requirements.
Semantic MediaWiki OverviewBen FletcherSemantic MediaWiki OverviewAn overview of SMW and how it can turn your data into knowledge.
SMW System Testing with Selenium - SMWCon Fall 2010Benedikt KämpgenSMW System Testing with SeleniumBlack box testing.
Collaborative Financial Analysis using Semantic MediaWikiBenedikt Kämpgen
Tobias Zundel
Collaborative Financial Analysis using Semantic MediaWikiUsing Semantic MediaWiki for a more agile approach of collaborative budgeting, expense planning, and analysis in a use case of finance management within a research group.
Using SMW as a Semantic Web Browser and Connecting Semantic MediaWiki to statistical dataBenedikt KämpgenUsing SMW as a Semantic Web Browser and Connecting Semantic MediaWiki to statistical dataHere we present the Semantic Web Browser extension as well as a way to analyse statistical data using SMW
Building enterprise knowledge using semantic encyclopediasBernadette Clemente
Cindy Cicalese
Building enterprise knowledge using semantic encyclopediasOur team has created more than 50 semantic encyclopedias since 2006 to build enterprise knowledge at MITRE and customer sites. We will share our social and organizational lessons learned.
Revolutionizing page naming with semantic propertiesBernadette Clemente
Cindy Cicalese
Revolutionizing page naming with semantic propertiesQuite often, we find it helpful to have the actual name of a page from the perspective of MediaWiki to be an automatically-generated static page id, while allowing a semantic property to indicate a name that would be meaningful to a user. This creates complications, including how to select a page in a field of a semantic form. To support this alternative approach to page naming, we have used a modified version of the SemanticTitle extension as well as several extensions to SemanticForms that we have custom developed and are in the process of submitting to the open source community.
Collaborative Analytics: Where Groups Collaborate with Semantic VisualizationsBernadette Clemente
Jason Ji
Collaborative Analytics: Where Groups Collaborate with Semantic VisualizationsOur SMW wikis are converging on a requirement for groups to work together where the objects of interest are highly interconnected and where visualization can help decision-makers see patterns and gaps.
SMW in the Public Sector - lessons learned and future requirementsBernhard KrabinaSMW in the Public Sector - lessons learned and future requirementsKDZ - Centre for Public Administration Research has been using SMW in different use cases in the public sector since version 0.9. The talk will showcase some projects and derive lessons learned as well as analyze future requirements to improve usage and uptake of SMW in the public sector.
Semantic MediaWiki and Open Data – the Vienna History Wiki and the OGD CockpitBernhard KrabinaSemantic MediaWiki and Open Data – the Vienna History Wiki and the OGD CockpitThe talk will feature the Vienna History Wiki ("Wien Geschichte Wiki"), a government platform on Vienna's city history.
Factors influencing the use of wikis in organizationsBernhard KrabinaFactors influence the use of wikis in organizationsWhat factors influence the use of wikis in organizations? Preliminary results from research employing the UTAUT/UTAUT2 methodology and the System Usability Scale.
SMW between OpenData, OpenGLAM, Linked Data and the Semantic WebBernhard KrabinaSMW between OpenData, OpenGLAM, Linked Data and the Semantic WebOverview of the Semantic MediaWiki ecosystem, it's todays relevance in relation to OpenData, WikiData, OpenGLAM and the Semantic Web.
SMW User SurveyBernhard KrabinaSMW User SurveyThe results of the SMW user survey will be presented.
SMW Community & SurveyBernhard KrabinaSMW Community & SurveyThe talk will give a brief overview of the SMW Community and results from the community survey.
Knowledge Management with WikisBernhard KrabinaKnowledge Management with WikisIntro to the turorial day of SMWCon. Things to consider when using wikis as knowlege management tool.
Knowledge Management in Austrian government institutionsBernhard KrabinaKnowledge Management in Austrian government institutionsSMW powers a knowledge platform for the topic of knowledge management in the public sector
Data Management in Organizations with SMW - fulfilling GDPR requirementsBernhard KrabinaData Management in Organizations with SMW - fulfilling GDPR requirementsThe EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) opens a unique window of opportunity for SMW to be used to document records of processing activities in organizations.
FINA Wiki - SMW supporting numismatic researchBernhard KrabinaFINA Wiki - SMW supporting numismatic researchThe FINA Wiki brings together evidence primarily about numismatic correspondence that was exchanged before 1800. In a project for the Austrian Academy of Sciences a SMW powered wiki shows how manuscript sources can be managed to support numismatic research.
Data Cockpit - SMW as GDPR compliance toolBernhard KrabinaData Cockpit - SMW as GDPR compliance toolHow SMW can be used to fulfill documentation requirements posed on organizations by the General Data Protection Regulation
Linked Data with SMWBernhard KrabinaLinked Data with SMWThe next SMW release will include and other vocabularies ready for re-use. The tutorial will cover aspects of linking to external data sources, re-using external vocabularies, and providing identifiers to be used to link to your own wiki.
SMW Social Media ActivitiesBernhard KrabinaSMW Social Media ActivitiesThe SMW social media channels (twitter, facebook, youtube) could need some more love and strategy. This is something where non-developers can help out. Join a discussion about what social media channels should be offered, how they should be managed. Help out to spread the word about SMW!
Linked Data with SMW (Tutorial)Bernhard KrabinaLinked (Open) Data with SMW (Tutorial)How to use external vocabularies (e. g. FOAF) and reference to external idenifiers (e. g. Wikidata ID) with SMW.
10 years Vienna History WikiBernhard Krabina
Christoph Sonnlechner
Katharina Prager
10 years of Vienna History WikiThe talk will give an overview of 10 years of operation of the Vienna History Wiki, the largest city wiki that leverages Semantic MediaWiki for GLAM institutions of the city of Vienna.
DevOpsDavid Mason
Bill Doran
DevOpsA development and operations (DevOps) system using SMW for configuration and visualization.
WMF API PlatformBill PirkleWMF API PlatformDescription of the API Platform, including some historical context, some architectural thoughts, and how adding functionality to a MediaWiki installation via services is a valid path, both for WMF and non-WMF installations.
Use of Semantic MediaWiki in the UK's Ministry of DefenceGary Foster
Billy Coffield
Use of Semantic MediaWiki in the UK's Ministry of DefenceThis is to give an overview on how the UK's Ministry of Defence use Semantic MediaWiki
Foreign Language Learning Semantic WayBrown Natasha
Edlira Dushku
Foreign Language Learning Semantic WayThis talk will explore the Why and How Semantic MediaWiki can help a student to learn and a teacher to teach language
Updates from the Wikitext Parsing worldC.Scott Ananian and Subbu Sastry, Content Transform Team, WMFUpdates from the Wikitext Parsing worldYearly update from the Wikimedia Foundation Content Transform Team on current and upcoming changes to wikitext and to related core APIs.
WMF Content Transform Team activitiesC.Scott Ananian and Subbu Sastry, Content Transform Team, WMFUpdates from the Wikitext Parsing worldWhere are we in the goal to replacing the legacy wikitetx parser with the new Parsoid project? What future features will this unlock? What does the transition mean for SMW? Short presentation followed by Q&A.
The Wikitext Parsing worldC.Scott Ananian and Subbu Sastry, Content Transform Team, WMFThe Wikitext Parsing worldIn future versions of MediaWiki parsing is going to change. This talk consists of a short presentation about the current situation and the opportunity to ask questions. The basics
Introducing Together.jsC.Scott Ananian and Subbu Sastry, Content Transform Team, WMFIntroducing Together.jsReal-time Collaborative Editing with TogetherJS
Open CSP 2.0Charlot Cobben
Liselot Roelen
Open CSP 2.0Last year at SMWCon 2022 Open CSP was launched. Today we present version 2.0.

Open CSP turns your SMW MediaWiki instalment into an enterprise ready Workspace. Out-of-the-box it is a perfect Knowledge base and you can use it as a base to create any Enterprise tool, like an ISMS, PM, CSM, CRM, etc..

In this talk we will show a clean and new install of Open CSP and how to get started.
Quick AI functionsCharlot CobbenQuick AI functions (ONLINE)Some quick possibilities to add AI to your wiki.
Open CSPCharlot CobbenOpen CSPUpdate on what's new with Open CSP.
FlexForm and PageSync updateCharlot CobbenFlexForm and PageSync updateFlexForm is the forms extension that is part of Open CSP. This is a short tutorial about things that are new or have changed.
Codex, the Design System for WikimediaChris CiufoCodex, the Design System for WikimediaThe Design Systems Team at the Wikimedia Foundation is developing Codex, a new comprehensive design system for the Wikimedia movement. The team recently released version 1.0.0 and would like to share more about when and how to use Codex, and the future of other front-end frameworks within the MediaWiki ecosystem.
What we Know About MediaWiki and Where we're GoingChris KoernerWhat we Know About MediaWiki and Where we're GoingAs part of the work the MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group has taken on I'd like to ask, "What's next for MediaWiki?"
Introduction to Semantic MediaWikiChris KoernerIntroduction to Semantic MediaWikiThis tutorial provides an beginner's introduction into the usage of SMW-based wikis.
SMW in HealthcareChris Koerner
Nancy Krautmann
SMW in HealthcareUsing SMW in Healthcare to provide a multi-author environment to track definitions and insight into business metrics.
MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group meetingChris Koerner
Mark Hershberger
MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group meetingThis is a real life meeting of the group members allowing to get to know each other in person as well as discussion current matters.
The Growth of a Semantic Wiki Inside a Large Healthcare OrganizationChris Koerner
Nancy Krautmann
The Growth of a Semantic Wiki Inside a Large Healthcare OrganizationTo let others interested in the use of Semantic MediaWiki understand how one industry - non-profit healthcare - is using the idea of the semantic web to better document and share information.
What can the SMW Community Learn from Other Open-Source Communities?Chris KoernerWhat can the SMW Community Learn from Other Open-Source Communities?What can we learn from others successes, workflows, and culture?
The Vienna History Wiki - a knowledge graph of historical factsChristian MichlitsThe Vienna History Wiki - a knowledge graph of historical factsAfter seven years of running the Vienna History Wiki, we will share insights into the way Semantic MediaWiki has influenced the work on Vienna's historical facts.
Managing Datasets and Collections with WikibaseChristos Varvantakis
Jon Amar
Introduction to Wikibase: Managing Datasets and Collections with WikibaseThis talk provides an introduction to Wikibase, a free open-source software for managing collaboratively edited structured data, highlighting its use cases in research and cultural heritage and its basic functionalities.
Smart iconography on your wikiCindy CicaleseSmart iconography on your wikiLearn how to use icons from a variety of sources within your wiki to increase comprehension, navigation, and findability.
The Why and How of Wiki FarmsCindy CicaleseThe Why and How of Wiki FarmsI will discuss what has motivated us to craft a repeatable process for creating a wiki farm and will present a "how to" for creating your own wiki farm.
News from the MediaWiki Platform TeamCindy CicaleseNews from the MediaWiki Platform TeamNews from the MediaWiki Platform Team
The WMF Core Platform Team: Roadmap Update and Q&ACindy CicaleseThe WMF Core Platform Team: Roadmap Update and Q&AThis will be an introduction to the Wikimedia Foundation's Core Platform Team, including the structure, process, current roadmap, and ways to communicate to and interact with the team. There will be time for a Q&A.
MediaWiki and Docker - discussionCindy CicaleseMediaWiki and Docker - discussionHalf-day workshop on using MediaWiki and Docker
Semantic MediaWiki Farm Infrastructure for Multi-Organizational SharingCindy CicaleseSemantic MediaWiki Farm Infrastructure for Multi-Organizational SharingWe recently deployed a wiki farm on the MITRE Partnership Network to support collaboration among MITRE and its partners. This talk will discuss the technical aspects of the infrastructure and the deployment process.
MediaWiki and DockerCindy CicaleseMediaWiki and Docker - presentationsHalf-day workshop on using MediaWiki with Docker
Web Tools for Semantic PublishingCjucovschiWeb Tools for Semantic PublishingThe KWARC research group has been developing a stack of solutions for semantic publishing (making documents interactive based on semantic annotations) of technical/scientific documents.
Clay Shirky IntroClay Shirky"Clay Shirky" Introductionvideo recording combines Clay's intro and Denny's presentation, with a joint Q&A session at the end. Note that viewers can skip to the appropriate point by clicking on the timecode in Vimeo.
Dokit - a platform to create step-by-step instructions powered by SMWClément FlipoDokit: a platform to create step-by-step instructions powered by SMWIntroduction to the main features of the platform and some business use-cases
Leveraging Semantic Mediawiki and Mediawiki in a user friendly wayClément FlipoLeveraging Semantic Mediawiki and Mediawiki in a user friendly wayI'll show how Dokit extensions help Administrators who are not familiar with Wikis:
  • Creating and managing their Semantic Properties
  • Creating and managing their Categories
  • Managing users rights and permissions
Poster sessionCommunityPoster sessionProjects and ideas on posters! Various topics presented in a light-weight way during a prolonged coffee break.
eHumanities workshop – Part 2Cornelia VejaeHumanities workshop – Part 2eHumanities workshop: Semantic MediaWiki in Digital Social, Educational and Humanities Research
eHumanities workshop – Part 1Cornelia VejaeHumanities workshop – Part 1eHumanities workshop: Semantic MediaWiki in Digital Social, Educational and Humanities Research
A Citizen Science Approach for a SMW-based eHumanities ProjectCornelia Veja
Julian Hocker
A Citizen Science Approach for a SMW-based eHumanities ProjectUse of open educational resources (OER) for Citizen Science
Semantic MediaWiki based Virtual Research EnvironmentsCornelia VejaSMW based Virtual Research EnvironmentsThis presentation introduces Virtual Research Environments based on Semantic MediaWiki which are used in education.
Semantic MediaWiki in Humanities, Education and Social ScienceCornelia Veja
Martin Gruner
Julian Hocker
Dennis Groenewegen
Thomas Wolf
eHumanities Workshop: SMW in Digital Social, Educational and Humanities ResearchThis workshop presents and discusses Semantic MediaWiki as a tool and environment for research in Digital Social, Educational and Humanities Research.
Semantic MediaWiki for citizen scienceDan BolserSMW for citizen science, some examples and perspectivesExperiences with SMW for 'citizen science', crowd sourcing structured scientific data. The success of SEQwiki and other less successful projects. Plans and perspectives on 'crowd computing'.
Semantic Expressiveness and RPG-Dev-WikiDaniel A. R. WernerSemantic Expressiveness and RPG-Dev-WikiAbout "Semantic Expressiveness" extension and how it is used in the "RPG-Dev-Wiki" system
QM-Wiki - a SMW-based tool for ISO9001-certified companiesDaniel HanschQM-Wiki - a SMW-based tool for ISO9001-certified companiesWe demonstrate how to fulfill the ISO9001:2015 requirements using SMW.
GraphScope: Knowledge graph search in your Semantic MediaWikiDaniel HerzigGraphScope: Knowledge graph search in your SMWSearch your semantic data with simple keyword queries
Adding power to educational and research wikis with Semantic MediaWikiDaniel K. SchneiderAdding power to educational and research wikis with Semantic MediaWikiWe will describe some uses of wikis in education and research and then discusses how Semantic Mediawiki (SMW) extensions could enhance the user experience in educational and research wikis. We will draw on our own experience with EduTechwiki and related sister sites and on a short literature review. We shall focus on education, but include enhancements to informal research wikis, since sometimes the two are combined. We finally raise a few practical issues with respect to learning SMW technology.
Untangling MediaWikiDaniel KinzlerUntangling MediaWikiHow WMF is going about modernizing the MediaWiki code base
Using the Wikidata APIDaniel Kinzler
Tobias Gritschacher
Using the Wikidata APIAn introduction to the Wikidata API
Hands-on session 3. Wikidata programmingDaniel Kinzler
Tobias Gritschacher
Hands-on session 3. Wikidata programmingA tutorial showing you how to use Wikidata to enrich data in your wiki
Considerations when targeting LTS releasesDaniel ScherzerConsiderations when targeting LTS releasesDiscussion of the benefits and drawbacks when supporting and targeting LTS releases of MediaWiki core.
Semantic Public Service Portfolio for the Greek Public SectorDavid BromoirasSemantic Public Service Portfolio for the Greek Public SectorIndexing and describing the volume of the Public Services of greek Public Sector Organizations.
Effective cooperation in local governmentDennis Groenewegen
Igno Pröpper
Effective cooperation in local governmentThis talk presents how Semantic MediaWiki is used to support a method for effective cooperation in local government.
Wikidata and SMWDenny Vrandečić
Jeroen De Dauw
"Wikidata and SMW", differences, overlap, interplay, futurehi-res gotomeeting recording of Denny's Keynote and slide deck. Joint Q&A can be found in the Introduction.
WikidataDenny VrandečićWikidata: Semantic WikipediaWikidata: Semantic Wikipedia
Keynote: From Semantic Wikipedia to Abstract WikipediaDenny VrandečićKeynote: From Semantic Wikipedia to Abstract WikipediaFifteen years ago, Semantic Wikipedia was first proposed. This was the starting point for the development of both Semantic MediaWiki and Wikidata. This year, the Wikimedia Foundation is starting a new project, Abstract Wikipedia. The overarching goal of all these projects is to make knowledge more accessible and easier to work with - to allow more people to share in more knowledge in more languages.
Simple SMW annotation with LightWeightRDFaNorman Heino
Dimitris Kontokostas
Simple SWM annotation with LightweightRDFaLightweightRDFa is a "very lightweight" extension that enables simple wiki markup annotation and could be the first step to a more advanced SMW setup.
Modeling an Enterprise Architecture with SMWDoug BeesonModeling an Enterprise Architecture with SMWMy colleagues and I at Cogeco Cable, Montreal, Canada, have been using SMW to model our application, data and business process architectures and mapping them to a telecom industry reference architecture called Frameworx.
An Interactive Knowledge Sharing platform for Scientific Organization and Research Activities ManagementEMAn Interactive Knowledge Sharing platform for Scientific Organization and Research Activities ManagementThis talk illustrates the potential use of Semantic Mediawiki in organizing the research activities and scientific contributions within research teams. Sharing scientific knowledge among team members, reusing and dynamically generating content based on user requirements are the main objectives of this talk.
Club fan page to hold statistics and historyEduardo FerreiraClub fan page to hold statistics and historyHow to use Semantic Mediawiki to aggregate Clubs statistics and their players numbers.
SMW in WikiaEloy.wikiaSMW in WikiaExperience using SMW in the biggest wiki farm in the world
Navigation in the new Electrical Installation Guide WikiLaurent Mischler
Emmanuel Touvier
Navigation in the new Electrical Installation Guide WikiThe next version of the Electrical Installation Guide wiki uses a navigation and a chapter TOC creation based on the SMW "has parent page" property. One can browse this book-like wiki with chapter pages, a side menu, breadcrumb links and previous/next links.
Project Standard Bank in South AfricaToine Schijvenaars
Erwin Oord
Project Standard Bank in South AfricaIn this project Semantic MediaWiki is used as the basis for a process portal for the Standard Bank in South Africa.
Realtime synchronisation between a git-based repository of architecture models and SMWErwin Oord
Robin van der Wiel
Realtime synchronisation between a git-based repository of architecture models and SMWIn this talk we present a mechanism for real-time synchronisation of architecture models stored in a git-based repository to a SMW instance. In this solution, Git is used as version management enabled storage of architecture models created in a modelling tool. SMW is used as a platform for publishing and sharing this architecture knowledge. SMW is updated with every commit/push in the repository. The synchronisation mechanism is generic and its architecture is designed in such a way that it can be easily extended for use with other sources that should synchronise to SMW.
Publishing architecture models as linked data with SMWErwin OordPublishing architecture models as linked data with SMWThis presentation explains how to publish architecture models created with the ArchiMate open standard for enterprise architecture modelling as truly reusable linked data using SMW and open vocabularies. ArchiMate is an open standard for modelling enterprise information architecture. In a previous SMWCon we have presented an extension for importing ArchiMate models into SMW, with every architecture element and relation represented by a wiki page. In this presentation we explain how we can publish this architecture knowledge to a linked data repository. One of the key aspects of publishing linked data is to align the data with one or more public vocabularies to make it truly reusable.
SmartCore – Managing SMW content structure for dummiesErwin OordSmartCore™ – Managing SMW content structure for dummiesCreating and maintaining the content structure of your wiki with forms and templates is cumbersome since wiki code is not very user friendly. With SmartCore you manage content structure as plain content.
GridpediaFelix ObenauerGridpedia - Using Semantic MediaWiki as an ontology editor for the Smart is a user friendly ontology editing tool. It allows users with little to no background on semantic technologies to contribute to the ontology.
A Resource To Support Multilingual Legal LiteracyFrank TaylorA Resource to Support Multilingual Legal LiteracyThis will be a brief PowerPoint presentation to solicit questions and suggestions with regard to the utilization of Semantic MediaWiki as part of a project to support multilingual "legal literacy."
SlideWiki - A collaborative platform for creating and sharing semantically annotated slide-decksFrank van HarmelenSlideWiki: A collaborative platform for creating and sharing semantically annotated slide-decksSlideWiki allows the collaborative construction, editing, sharing, semantic annotation and re-use of slide-decks. In this presentation I will discuss the main aims of SlideWiki and its main functionalities (the audience will be encouraged to experiment), with an emphasis on the semantic functionalities in the system.
The Ouroboros project: setting up Semantic Medical GuidelinesFrans A.L. van der HorstThe Ouroboros project: setting up Semantic Medical GuidelinesThe content of multidisciplinary modular guidelines shall be trustworthy, unambiguous and consistent and therefore are well suited for the introduction of Semantic Web Technology to manage these crucial facets of medical knowledge management.
Summary Day OneFranz BorrmannSummary Day OneWrap-up Session
Decommissioning Core Ontology as basis also for SMW applicationsFranz BorrmannDecommissioning Core Ontology as basis also for SMW applicationsAs part of the H2020 project PLEIADES, we have developed a core ontology for the decommissioning of complex facilities. This will be the basis for connecting various softwares together, on our side this will be SMW.
Introduction to SMWFranz Borrmann
Ralf Roletschek
Introduction to SMWIntroduction into usage, applications and development of SMW-based environments.
SMW in Business Environments - Benefits and Drawbacks (Cancelled)Franz BorrmannSMW in Business Environments - Benefits and DrawbacksWhat are the benefits and drawbacks of using SMW in business environments?
Setting up Data Structures, Queries, Templates, FormsFranz Borrmann
Ralf Roletschek
Setting up Data Structures, Queries, Templates, FormsIntroduction into usage, applications and development of SMW-based environments. We will demonstrate some of the capabilities and do hands-on parts on development and setup of the basic data structure, implementing templates and forms and querying and aggregating data.
Running an SMW-based integrated management system in highly regulated environmentsFranz BorrmannRunning an SMW-based integrated management system in highly regulated environmentsPresentation of our SMW-based integrated management system, some functionalities, some experience from use, some future plans
Exploiting and empowering semantic data with 2 new semantic extension: Sparql Result Format and Semantic Auth/ProfilingMatteo Busanelli
Gabriele Cornacchia
Exploiting and empowering semantic data with 2 new semantic extension: Sparql Result Format and Semantic Auth/ProfilingKnowledge Management is a cross domain discipline and we (Imola Informatica) apply it on many different areas: EKM, Document Management, Enterprise Architecture, IT Service Management and Governance, IT Security, Normative Compliance etc....
SMW Use Cases at the Regional Government of Lower AustriaGerald StreimelwegerSMW Use Cases at the Provincial Government of Lower AustriaSMW is used as a tool documenting the IT infrastructure of the Provincial Government as well as for the backend of the Open Government Data catalogue.
Using Docker in Dev, Production and AWSGregory RundlettUsing Docker in Dev, Production and AWSHow can you use Docker containers to develop MediaWiki in a way that is compatible with production environments including hosting on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Using SMW to characterize a new hospital challengesGuillaume Coulombe
Pierre Deschênes
Using SMW to characterize a new hospital challengesIn the context of the planning and execution of the transition of a 3-sites merged hospitals into its brand new designed and built facility, SMW was implemented to facilitate the change process. SMW was used to help the teams and the organization to capture critical knowledge to help their transition towards their new facility. The presenters were at the forefront of the SMW implementation. In this case where the change magnitude for the operations and the whole organization were extraordinary, the presenters who were at the forefront of this work share their experience, lessons learned, and remaining questions. What are the critical things to put in place to ensure buy-in, motivation and confidence, in order to help teams adapt to an agile approach, prototyping and collective working to renew themselves?
Brain-Inspired Expertise ManagementHans de BruinBrain-Inspired Expertise ManagementUsing SMW and brain-inspired expertise management ontology for expertise management
Semantic Forms: What's new, what's still missingYaron Koren
Himeshi De Silva
Semantic Forms: What's new, what's still missingA listing of recent changes and additions to the Semantic Forms extension, and a discussion of what features should be added.
Why isn't that in the wiki?Ike HechtWhy isn't that in the wiki?How to ensure your company's knowledge management system stays current and your employees enjoy contributing to it.
Flexible research documentation with semantic building blocks: The role of SMW in shaping the data strategy of a collaborative research centreIryna MozgovaFlexible research documentation with Semantic building blocks: The Role of Semantic MediaWiki in Shaping the Data Strategy of a Collaborative Research CentreExplore the practical application of "Generic Protocols" within Semantic MediaWiki to simplify and standardize research documentation in engineering sciences.
Rescue and value of African cultural heritage in the Canary Islands: a wiki powered by Semantic MediaWikiIván Hernández-CazorlaRescue and value of African cultural heritage in the Canary Islands: a wiki powered by Semantic MediaWikiPresentation of a Semantic MediaWiki use case to manage, visualize and analyze data about African cultural heritage located in the Canary Islands.
New features in Semantic Result FormatsJeroen De Dauw
James Hong Kong
New features in Semantic Result FormatsAn overview of all the awesome new features in Semantic Result Formats 1.8
Approved Revs v1.0 with Semantic ApproversJames MontalvoApproved Revs v1.0 with Semantic ApproversThe MediaWiki extension "Approved Revs" is great for giving admins the ability to approve edits before allowing them to be displayed to the world. However the current version does not allow certain users to approve some pages and other users to approve other pages. The upcoming release of Approved Revs v1.0 will give this capability. Additionally, it allows approval of files.
History of the EVA WikiJames Montalvo
History of the EVA WikiHow NASA Mission Operations used a semantic wiki to solve its knowledge management problem. The EVA wiki makes our data more useful with semantic properties, queries, and integration with outside databases.
Quantifying AccountabilityJames Montalvo
Quantifying AccountabilityQuantifying accountability in MediaWiki to pinpoint weaknesses, improve quality, and engage more users
How to make a basic parser functionJames MontalvoHow to make a basic parser functionA simplified approach to show people how to build parser functions
Search form improvementsJan H. HöfflerSearch form improvementsThe standard Semantic MediaWiki search form is too complicated for average users, both for those setting up SMWs but especially for those who just use them. It should be relatively easy to adjust it to make it more user friendly.
ReplicationWiki - Information on empirical studies in the social sciencesJan H. HöfflerReplicationWiki - Information on empirical studies in the social sciencesA database on availability of data and code for empirical studies in the social sciences, and of replications
ReplicationWiki - Massive expansion & use for webinarJan H. HöfflerReplicationWiki - Massive expansion & use for webinarThe ReplicationWiki is undergoing a massive expansion and for the first time is used as a forum for a webinar series. The use case and experience with technical tools and challenges are presented.
Matching of External and Wiki Content by Entity MatchingJan NovacekEnriching SMW based Virtual Research Environments with external dataIntegrating Entity Matching in MediaWiki/SMW to enrich wiki content.
Effective metadata management of sensor networks using SMWJan Willem NoteboomEffective metadata management of sensor networks using SMWTowards a collaborative metadata management system for sensor networks using SMW. Steps taken and lessons learned
Semantic MediaWiki and Linked Open DataJan Willem van VeenSemantic MediaWiki and Linked Open DataThis presentation will introduce Semantic MediaWiki's usage on a platform for linked open data in the public sector.
Making Complex Data Interactive with SMWJay HugginsMaking Complex Data Interactive with SMWDemo of OpenEI, the 56,000+ page semantic wiki sponsored by the US Department of Energy, focused on a recent endeavor to store geothermal energy data within the SMW structure
Upgrading SMWJay HugginsCase Study: Upgrading SMWA look at OpenEI's migration from SMW 1.5 to 1.8, applied to over 56k pages.
SMW + Canasta and the State of CanastaJeffrey WangSMW + Canasta and the State of CanastaHow Canasta + SMW work together. The latest updates from the Canasta Project. Information on future development of Canasta.
State of Canasta, Fall 2023Jeffrey WangState of Canasta, Fall 2023Canasta updates for the second half of 2023.
State of Canasta Fall 2024Jeffrey WangState of Canasta Fall 2024Updates to Canasta since MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Spring 2024 in Portland, Oregon, USA.
WikiChatJeffrey WangWikiChatIn this lightning talk, we will discuss the basics of MyWikis' LLM integration, WikiChat, and show some examples of how it works, especially in relation to GDPR requirements.
What's new in the world of Wikibase and where is it going?Lydia Pintscher
Jens Ohlig
What's new in the world of Wikibase and where is it going?An overview of what's new around Wikibase and the plans we have for the Wikibase Ecosystem.
Semantic MediaWiki 4 and Other NewsJeroen De DauwSemantic MediaWiki 4 and Other NewsYou will learn about recent developments in the Semantic MediaWiki project, including the upcoming SMW 4.0 release.
New features in Maps and Semantic MapsNischay Nahata
Jeroen De Dauw
New features in Maps and Semantic MapsAn overview of all the cool new stuff in Maps and Semantic Maps as well as a peek to what's on the horizon
Current status and next steps for SMWJeroen De DauwCurrent status and next steps for SMWThe yearly "what has happened and what are we currently working on" talk
Connecting Wikibase and Semantic MediaWikiJeroen De DauwConnecting Wikibase and Semantic MediaWikiLive demo of Semantic Wikibase, a new extension that allows using Wikibase data directly in your semantic wiki
Semantic Result FormatsJeroen De DauwNew features in Semantic Result FormatsAn overview of all the awesome new features in Semantic Result Formats 1.8/1.9
Current status and next steps for SMWJeroen De DauwCurrent status and next steps for SMWThe yearly "what has happened and what are we currently working on" talk
Current Status and Next Steps for SMWJeroen De DauwCurrent Status and Next Steps for SMWOverview of the changes of SMW sind last SMWCon in Europe.
Developing SMW (extensions)Jeroen De DauwDeveloping SMW (extensions)An introduction to how to develop Semantic MediaWiki and extensions
SemanticWikibase Development discussionJeroen De Dauw
Lozana Rossenova
Kolja Bailly
Discussion: Development of SemanticWikibaseTIB Hannover plans to develop the SemanticWikibase extension. This discussion aims to gather community and developer feedback for specific implementation details.
Current Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWikiJeroen De DauwCurrent Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWikiThis talk will provide an overview to what happened during the last year, the current status and the next steps for Semantic MediaWiki.
Semantic MediaWiki issues triageKarsten Hoffmeyer
Jeroen De Dauw
Semantic MediaWiki issues triageThis workshop aims to triage, fill in blanks and even solve some of the existing issues filed for Semantic MediaWiki
Current status and next steps for SMWMarkus Krötzsch
Jeroen De Dauw
Current status and next steps for SMWThe yearly "what happened and what are we working on now" talk
Building on top of SMWJeroen De DauwBuilding on top of SMWAn introduction to SMW development
Wikibase, the Software behind WikidataJeroen De DauwWikibase, the Software behind WikidataLast year, Wikidata, the project that brings structured data to Wikipedia, was presented at SMWCon. This talk is all about Wikibase, the software behind Wikidata.
Current Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWikiKarsten Hoffmeyer
Jeroen De Dauw
Current Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWikiThis talk will provide an overview to what happened during the last year, the current status and the next steps for Semantic MediaWiki.
Semantic Search in Semantic WikiJesseSemantic Search in Semantic WikiThe extension for semantic search
Cirkipedia - Cirque du Soleil's own WikiJimmy St-GermainCirkipedia - Cirque du Soleil's own WikiBackground: with over 2500 songs in its catalogue, Cirque du Soleil needs a tool to document artistic aspects of each and every song.
Category Manager and WikiSearch Clean-up enhancementsJimmy van DelftCategory Manager and WikiSearch Clean-up enhancementsExtension to manage categories, and expanding WikiSearch for actions on search results.
SMW and NYCJoel NatividadSMW and NYCOrganizing the City's Open Data, Demo of, the high-resolution semantic wiki of NYC.
Open Data and SMWJoel NatividadOpen Data and SMWThis talk explores the burgeoning open data movement, how SMW can be used to organize open data, and how it was implemented in New York City, with a preview of how it will be implemented nationally in the USA.
NYCpediaJoel NatividadNYCpedia - from raw open data to actionable open knowledge using SMWHow SMW was used to create a knowledgebase from NYC's municipal open data
Linked Answers for Smarter CitiesJoel NatividadLinked Answers for Smarter CitiesThe desctiption of pediacities platform for creating Linked Data applications for the cities
SMW OntologiesJohn Mc ClureSMW OntologiesThis presentation provides a walk-through of the tools & data structures in the SMWOntologies extensions
SMW Ontologies WorkshopJohn Mc ClureSMW Ontologies WorkshopA walk-through of the ontologies published by the SMWOntologies extension
SMW Grammars & VariablesJohn Mc ClureSMW Grammars & VariablesA presentation of the forthcoming SMWOntologies extension which instruments SMW for query variables and multilingual property values.
SMW in the OfficeJohn Mc ClureSMW in the OfficePresents an implementation of basic office functionality in an SMW installation.
Bundle:Grover OntologyJohn Mc ClureBundle:Grover OntologyA look at a grammatical ontology, built upon several W3 & ISO ontologies. Couched in a discussion of "bundles" of wikipages as a new class of mediawiki extension, the DataWiki (SMW+) ontology explorer is demonstrated.
SMW+ Extensions RoadmapJohn Mc ClureSMW+ Extensions RoadmapA tour of how best to preserve & reuse each of the SMW extensions created by (now-defunct) Ontoprise under Project Halo. (Remote talk)
SMW in Technical DocumentationJonas Wäckerle
Mark Schubert
SMW in Technical DocumentationWe would like to give a short introduction to established methods in technical writing and typical features of content management systems. Then talk about SMW as tool for writing and accessing documentation.
SMW and linked data for federation of government standards and architectureJoris DirksSMW and linked data for federation of government standards and architectureDutch guideliness and knowledge about Enterprise Architecture as well as use of standards is disseminated in distinct sectors with their own SMW. Using linked data, we facilitate sectors to make use of national information.
Down the rabbit hole with templates (and graphviz)Joris DirksDown the rabbit hole with templates (and graphviz)I share my methods for building lots of templates and welcome you to share your practices. In particular I zoom in on the use case for Graphviz.
LLM and Local KnowledgeJulia Neidhardt
Thomas Kolb
LLM and Local KnowledgeHow does Generative AI integrate with the framework of Digital Humanism? This talk highlights the potential of AI technologies while addressing ethical concerns like bias and misinformation.
Keynote: Empowering Knowledge WorkersKarsten EhmsKeynote: Empowering Knowledge WorkersSiemens' "Wikisphere" has thrived since 2008 due to openness, structure, and automation, with the current "AI wave" highlighting the advantages of hypertextual content over traditional artefacts.
Introduction à Semantic MediaWikiKarsten HoffmeyerIntroduction à Semantic MediaWikiCourte introduction à Semantic MediaWiki et tutoriel pour les débutants sur la manière d'annoter les données et de faire les requêtes de base pour atteindre ces données.
Introduction to Semantic MediaWikiKarsten HoffmeyerIntroduction to Semantic MediaWikiShort introduction to Semantic MediaWiki and beginners tutorial about how to annotate data and do basic queries for this data.
Overview and introduction to new semantic extensionsKarsten HoffmeyerOverview and introduction to new semantic extensionsThis presentation will provide an overview and introduction to the semantic extensions of the SMWProject which were introduced in 2015 and aim to present SMW as solution for different use cases.
Introduction to Semantic MediaWikiKarsten HoffmeyerIntroduction to Semantic MediaWikiShort introduction to Semantic MediaWiki and beginners tutorial about how to annotate data and do basic queries for this data.
Translating system messages and other localisable stringsKarsten HoffmeyerTranslating system messages and other localizable stringsShort introduction on how to provide translated and/or localised system messages to Semantic MediaWiki and related extensions.
Current Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWikiKarsten HoffmeyerCurrent Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWikiThis talk will provide an overview to what happened during the last year, the current status and the next steps for Semantic MediaWiki.
Yearly Semantic MediaWiki overviewKarsten HoffmeyerYearly Semantic MediaWiki overviewAn overview of what happened in Semantic MediaWiki land during the last year, including the 3.1 release.
Introduction to Semantic MediaWiki 3.0Karsten HoffmeyerWhat's new in Semantic MediaWiki 3.0New features in Semantic MediaWiki 3.0 and how you can contribute
Overview and introduction to new semantic extensionsKarsten HoffmeyerOverview and introduction to new semantic extensionsThis presentation will provide an overview and introduction to the semantic extensions of the SMWProject which were introduced in 2016 and aim to present SMW as solution for different use cases.
About MediaWiki evolution - information from the recent Wikimedia Technical ConferenceKarsten HoffmeyerAbout MediaWiki evolution - notes about the recent Wikimedia Technical ConferenceNotes about the recent Wikimedia Technical Conference
Yearly Semantic MediaWiki overviewKarsten HoffmeyerYearly Semantic MediaWiki overviewAn overview of what happened in Semantic MediaWiki land during the last year, including the 3.2 release. – past, present and futureKarsten – past, present and futureAn overview of activity and contents on
Using SMW in University CoursesKirk Mc DermidUsing SMW in University CoursesAbout upper-level undergrad philosophy courses using SMW to provide students with collaboration opportunities, resources, self-directed learning.
Cicero, supporting collaborative decision and design processesKlaas DellschaftCicero: Supporting collaborative decision and design processesCicero is an SMW-based extension to support structured discussions
Wikibase4Research guided installation. Bring your own data, get your own wikiKolja Bailly
Lukas Günther
Hackathon: Wikibase4Research guided installation. Bring your own data, get your own wikiWe provide a guided installation session to assist people in the setup of a new knowledge system or transfer their existing data and config to our Docker-based installation pipeline for Wikibase4Research.
Linked open data curation and visualization with SemanticWikibaseKolja BaillyLinked open data curation and visualization with SemanticWikibaseWe provide an extended version of SemanticWikibase, that connects Wikibase with Semantic Mediawiki. Compatible with actual Mediawiki LTS version, extended functionality and tools for easy installation.
Wikibase4Research: A toolbox for Wikibase Users and DevelopersKolja Bailly
Lukas Günther
Tutorial: Wikibase4Research: A toolbox for Wikibase Users and DevelopersWikibase4Reserach is a fast and easy customizable docker pipeline to setup knowledge systems like Mediawiki, SemanticMediawiki, Wikibase or SemanticWikibase within minutes.
ArchELarry ClamanArchE: An SMW-based Architecture Repository,Discussion & demo of ArchE, our enterprise infrastructure architecture repository used to track relationships between architecture definitions, patterns, and building blocks.
WorkshopYaron Koren
Laurent Alquier
Hands-on sessionLive building of a Semantic MediaWIki: data structure, forms, templates using NYC Open Data
Workshop 2Yaron Koren
Laurent Alquier
Hands-on sessionLive customization of a Semantic MediaWiki: CSS, jQuery, Result formats.
Create custom Semantic Extra Special Properties fast with BlueSpiceSMWConnectorLeonid VerhovskijCreate custom Semantic Extra Special Properties fast with BlueSpiceSMWConnectorThis talk introduces the "BlueSpice SMW Connector" extension allowing to create custom special properties
Taking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS)Lex SulzerTaking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS)Taking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS)
Unconference Moderation IILex SulzerUnconference Moderation IILet's review our first unconference ideas and concretize working groups.
MWStake Community ServicesLex SulzerMWStake Community ServicesOur project "MWStake Community Services" pursues the goal of providing coherent, consistent, relevant and up-to-date information, tools and services for third-party MediaWiki users.
Benefits of running MediaWiki in a pertinent dockerized setupLex SulzerBenefits of running MediaWiki in a pertinent dockerized setupYou buy a dishwasher — not 1000 parts and a screwdriver
SMW high availability for disaster recovery and production-data-based developmentLex SulzerSMW high availability for disaster recovery and production-data-based developmentA good setup for a Semantic MediaWiki including backups, updating and upgrades, migration and Virtual Machines. Get it running in no time and focus on content.
Semantic MediaWiki real-world use cases and their underlying conceptsLex SulzerSemantic MediaWiki real-world use cases and their underlying conceptsThis tutorial gives an overview of the central aspects and elementary use cases that make Semantic MediaWiki appear at its best.
How to store and structure knowledge on a SMW — here's the frameworkLex SulzerHow to store and structure knowledge on a SMW — here's the frameworkYou furnish your empty apartment — for things in it should be accessible and practical
Front-end Acceptance Testing using Cucumber and CapybaraLex SulzerSMW Demonstration and Interaction Acceptance Testing using Cucumber and CapybaraThis talk will give an introduction and demonstration of Interaction Acceptance Testing using the tools Cucumber and Capybara
Lightning Talks, Open Mic, Unconference Moderation ILex SulzerLightning Talks, Open Mic, Unconference Moderation ILet's gather a first set of unconference ideas collected throughout the first two conference days.
Use SMW to cohere business knowledge scattered across information sources — and integrate on searchLex SulzerUse SMW to cohere business knowledge scattered across information sources — and integrate on searchYou don't add 1000 PDFs to SMW — you include them in search results
Keep your careful structure of templates, forms, properties, etc. under transparent version controlLex SulzerKeep your careful structure of templates, forms, properties, etc. under transparent version controlLearn how to maintain clarity when developing your terminological ontology for accommodating knowledge (e.g. templates and forms)
OWL Wiki Forms (OWF): A Style Language that Generates Wikis from Semantic Web OntologiesLloyd RutledgeOWL Wiki Forms (OWF): A Style Language that Generates Wikis from Semantic Web OntologiesA description of the semantic wiki style langauge OWF and how to use it to efficiently start up browse and form-based annotation wikis for given ontologies.
Fresnel FormsLloyd RutledgeFresnel FormsThis talk presents "Fresnel Forms", a library plugin that was developed for the Semantic Web ontology editor "Protégé".
SMW and WikiBase: blasphemy or feasible?Luca MauriSMW and WikiBase: blasphemy or feasible?Success story in using SMW in concert with WikiBase to achieve a data-based, semantic-enabled MediaWiki site
Testing & Continuous Integration TestsMarko Ilić
Luke Eversfield
Testing & Continuous Integration TestsStreamlining MediaWiki extension development using a Docker Compose-based CI setup. Learn how to efficiently build, test, and improve your extension across diverse configurations.
State of WikidataLydia PintscherState of WikidataA quick look at what Wikidata has achieved so far and where it is going
Four years of Wikidata - where we are, what we learned and what's coming nextLydia Pintscher4 years of Wikidata - where we are, what we learned and what's coming nextThis presentation will provide an insight into the past four years of Wikidata and the upcoming future.
Implementation and Application of an interface between project planning software and SMW based documentationMaarten BeckerImplementation and Application of an interface between project planning software and SMW based documentationThis talk shows how a coupling between project management software and SMW based documentation has been established and how it is used in real projects for project controling and reporting/documentation
How human perception and classification influence semantic knowledge, and vice versaMarc van HoofHow human perception and classification influence semantic knowledge, and vice versaThe classification and recognition of common things such as colors and sounds are relative and often arbitrary. In this talk, the role of human perception is explored in relation to the creation of knowledge systems such as Semantic MediaWiki.
1,2,3 in 6 minutesMaria Fahl1,2,3 in 6 minutes3 topics contributed by BITPlan to SMWCon Fall 2019
WSArrays - an easy way to use complex arrays in your wikiMarijn van WezelWSArrays - an easy way to use complex arrays in your wikiWSArrays is an extension which creates an additional set of parser functions that operate on multidimensional and associative arrays. Additionally, it adds a new result printer to SMW called "complexarray", which will define a multidimensional array that can be operated via MediaWiki through several parser functions. The extension allows you to easily map the results of a query onto a template with named args, as well as change the arrangement of items in the array, getting a single value from the array, pushing items to the array and much more.
Digital accessibilityMarijn van WezelDigital accessibilityKeeping digital accessibility in mind when developing extensions and writing wikitext to make your wikis easier to navigate and read.
Making your wiki Parsoid-compatible using ArrayFunctions and LuaMarijn van WezelMaking your wiki Parsoid-compatible by switching from Variables to ArrayFunctions and LuaA hands-on hackathon/workshop where you learn to make your wiki Parsoid-compatible using ArrayFunctions and Lua.
Powerful and popular extensionsMarijn van WezelUseful and popular extensionsA lightning talk about extensions that are popular with our customers, and might be interesting to others as well.
Introduction of WikiGuardMarijn van WezelIntroduction of WikiGuardWikiGuard is an extension that implements policy based access control for wikis. In this talk WikiGuard will be explained and demonstrated. The purpose of the talk is to have a first step towards a good access control system for wikis.
Future of scholarly communicationMario MalickiFuture of scholarly communicationPre-print servers, post-publication commenting, crowd sourcing, machine learning, alongside semantic web and MediaWiki, open ways for modernizing the current publication culture.
A Smart Guide to Preferred FormatsRemco de Boer
Sam Alloing
Marjolein Steeman
A Smart Guide to Preferred FormatsThe Dutch Digital Heritage Network has developed an online tool - based on SMW - that helps archives and heritage organisations to formulate their policy on file formats. It builds a knowledge base, via a smart combination of codification of formats on one hand and personalisation of tailor made policies on the other. For creating the tool we linked different sources, like Wikidata, Pronom, NARA Risk Matrix and COPTR. Reusing information from different sources is an important starting point, but linking different sources also gives lots of challenges. This talk will explain how the online tool's construction and use of the tool by the target audience.
A MediaWiki Consortium: What we're doing and how you can get involvedMark HershbergerA MediaWiki Consortium -- What we're doing and how you can get involvedThe Wikimedia Foundation has contracted with my partner and I to start a MediaWiki organization that would be focused on non-WMF uses of MediaWiki. In this talk, I'll try to explain what problems we're trying to address and get the SMW community's input.
MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group MeetingMark HershbergerMediaWiki Stakeholders' Group MeetingThe MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group is meeting in real life at the conference. Join in, if you are interested in their actions and forthcomings. Get to know each other in person as well as discuss current matters.
Identifying your UsersMark HershbergerIdentifying your UsersAn overview of the available methods for identifying users to MediaWiki
How to get your bug fixed in MediaWikiMark HershbergerHow to get your bug fixed in MediaWikiUsing a bug in MediaWiki that Internet Explorer exposed -- a bug that was initially dismissed as only affecting VisualEditor for IE -- I'll show how I found the solution and managed to get it applied to core MediaWiki.
The wiki way – Contributing back to coreMark HershbergerThe wiki way – Contributing back to coreThis talk will explore the Why, How, and When to contribute your code "back to core" (MediaWiki as well as Semantic MediaWiki and related extensions)
Fasten seatbelt and lock the doors! Security from develpment to deploymentMarkus GlaserFasten seatbelt and lock the doors! Security from development to deploymentSome thoughts and experiences on how to continuously ensure and monitor the state of security of a MediaWiki deployment.
MediaWiki Cooperation. A user group for 3rd party usersMarkus GlaserMediaWiki Cooperation. A user group for 3rd party users.For quite some time now, the idea has been around to build a separate entity that cares about the use of MediaWiki outside the Wikimedia world. It's time to tackle the task and work our way towards an institution of its own that cares for MediaWiki as a software product. A first effort has been made at Wikimania. Let's shape that user group together!
Privacy considerationsMarkus GlaserPrivacy considerationsQuestions about privacy, legislation and implementation
Improving dependency management and easing upgradesMarkus GlaserImproving dependency management and easing upgradesA look at the improvements being made to MediaWiki that will benefit you
Natural language interaction with a wikiMarkus GlaserNatural language interaction with a wikiBenefits, patterns and pitfalls of a new interaction paradigm
Flexible workflows with BlueSpice 4 and SMWMarkus GlaserFlexible workflows with BlueSpice 4 and SMWBlueSpice 4 will introduce a new workflow engine. The talk explores it's possibilities in relation to Semantic MediaWiki.
Application prototyping with Semantic MediaWiki and BlueSpiceMarkus GlaserApplication prototyping with SMW and BlueSpiceMediaWiki is more than a documentation platform. It can be used for bootstrapping web applications
BlueSpiceMarkus GlaserBlueSpiceThe description of BlueSpice - an easy-to-use enterprise MediaWiki bundle. What are the common obstacles the developers of the BlueSpice and SMW now have? Can BlueSpice take advantage of including SMW into the bundle?
BlueForge Feature Matrix: WikiData - An experience reportMarkus Glaser
Robert Vogel
BlueForge Feature Matrix: Wikidata - An experience reportThis talk covers the experience made with Wikidata by "Hallo Welt! Medienwerkstatt GmbH". It's about why we chose it and what were the difficulties we had to deal with.
Community discussionMarkus KrötzschCommunity discussionTraditional SMWCon feedback session for all participants
Semantic MediaWiki: An IntroductionMarkus KrötzschSemantic MediaWiki: An IntrocuctionA first introduction to MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki
Wikidata and what it means for SMWMarkus KrötzschWikidata and what it means for SMWThis keynote talk will given an overview of Wikidata and the underlying MediaWiki extension Wikibase, and it will discuss the impact that these developments have on SMW.
Community discussionMarkus KrötzschCommunity discussionTraditional SMWCon feedback session for all participants
Customizing MediaWiki skin actions with SMWMarkus KrötzschCustomizing MediaWiki skin actions with SMWMicro-tutorial on improving the wiki UI using SMW data
The homepage of the International Center for Computational LogicMarkus KrötzschBuilding a Modern Website with Semantic MediaWikiUsage, Skinning, and Microdata as used by the homepage of the International Center for Computational Logic
SMW, Semantic Web and Wikidata Q&AMarkus KrötzschSMW, Semantic Web and Wikidata Q&AA semi-structured Q&A with potential hands-on elements enabling participants to better understand and apply these technologies.
KeynoteMarkus KrötzschSemantics, Wikis, and AI: Looking back and looking aheadGenerative AI and large-language models are the most prominent of many current developments that force us to rethink: not just the implementations and technology stacks used in practice, but also the

whole endeavour of human knowledge management as such.

In this talk, Markus will provide a personal perspective on the origins and principles of semantic wikis, and some of the key challenges that lie ahead in managing knowledge.
Use case "Kallimachos" – Semantic MediaWiki as tool for text annotation and edition of medieval books in ehumanitiesMartin GrunerUse case "Kallimachos" – SMW as tool for text annotation and edition of medieval books in ehumanitiesThe University Library Würzburg uses Semantic MediaWiki as a tool in an OCR and publishing workflow.
Semantic MediaWiki and Neuroscience Data - A Blue Brain PerspectivMartin TelefontSemantic MediaWiki and Neuroscience Data - A Blue Brain PerspectivPresents "DataSpace/LabSpace/KnowledgeSpace" a tool that allows to integrate existing data and knowledge on a global level.
SMW stories, real and imagined, from at least three geoscience wikisMatt HallSMW stories, real and imagined, from at least three geoscience wikisI will share some of the applications of SMW I've been experimenting with, and plan to experiment with.
Knowledge Management in ResearchMatthias Frank
Knowledge Management in ResearchFrom ISO 9001 Quality Management, over Project Management, to Requirements Engineering
A Generic Approach for Completing PDF-Forms with Data from Semantic MediaWikiMatthias Frank
Thimo Britsch
A Generic Approach for Completing PDF-Forms with Data from Semantic MediaWikiWe introduce our approach for completing any PDF-form with data from Semantic MediaWiki. This is especially useful for repeating administrative requests which can't be done online as it is still the case in many established processes.
SemanticMediaWiki As A Collaboration Platform For Self Organizing AgentsMatthias Frank
Nicole Merkle
SemanticMediaWiki As A Collaboration Platform For Self-Organizing AgentsThis talk by Nicole Merkle presents how Semantic MediaWiki can be used by self-organizing agents as a knowledge exchange platform.
Data Management with Semantic MediaWiki – Integrating Big Spatio-Temporal DataMatthias FrankData Management with SMW - Integrating Big Spatio-Temporal DataWe introduce our approach for integrating big spatio-temporal data using collaborative semantic data management.
Digital sustainability of open source communitiesMatthias StürmerDigital sustainability of open source communitiesKeynote speech at the first conference day of SMWCon Fall 2014 in Vienna.
Collaborative Modeling of Processes and Ontologies with MoKiMauro DragoniCollaborative Modeling of Processes and Ontologies with MoKiThe talk will be about the work that we have done and still currently doing to develop a theoretical and practical framework that supports the integrated model of processes and ontology, consisting in the creation of a single integrated model in which both aspects are formally represented.
SNPedia build stepsMichael CariasoSNPedia build stepsThe downloads and commands that build
Introduction to MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWikiMichael ErdmannIntroduction to (Semantic) MediaWikiThis tutorial is for the absolute beginners. It introduces the (Semantic) MediaWiki platform for collaborative content management, starting from basic page creation and climbing the complexity ladder to advanced semantic annotations and queries.
SMW+ TutorialMichael ErdmannAgile Knowledge Management with SMW+In this hands-on tutorial we will demonstrate the additional features provided by SMW+.
The Canton of Zurich will deploy a SMW-based portal to manage historical monumentsMichael ErdmannThe Canton of Zurich will deploy a SMW-based portal to manage historical monumentsAbout 5.700 historical monuments are located in the Canton of Zürich that are going to be managed and documented in a SMW-based portal that is delivered by DIQA.
Project based on SMWMichael ErdmannProject based on SMWwill be announced, soon
MediaWiki Usage in BMKÖSMichael KallingerMediaWiki Usage in BMKÖSMichael Kallinger will give an overview of modern management of wiki administration, with a special focus on and
ToneelstofMichael MurtaughToneelstofToneelstof is a website showcasing 4 decades of theater history in Flanders, Belgium
The User's Perspective: Customer and Contact Management with Semantic MediaWikiMichael SchermThe User's Perspective: Customer and Contact Management with Semantic MediaWikiLessons Learnt and Development Perspectives
Automating SMW install and data loadingMike CariasoAutomating SMW install and data loading.3 codes to install, read, and write to a SMW
The Wikipedia ChatGPT pluginMike PhamThe Wikipedia ChatGPT pluginTalk about the lessons learned from the plugin, and on thoughts and vision for AI opportunities/capabilities.
Various new features of BluespiceMiriam SchlindweinVarious new features of BluespiceBlueSpice's newest features: notification templates, notification system, redesigned user interface for special pages, numbering of headings, and AI editing assitant.
Tasks & MentionsMiriam SchlindweinTasks & MentionsThis talk will present how it's possible to create tasks, to assign them to someone, add due dates and how they can be controlled in a wiki. Therefore the extensions AtMentions, Checklists, DateTimeTools and SimpleTasks will be presented. There will be a demo and a presentation of the implementation, addressing challenges and new insights gained with it.
RobWi - A Semantic MediaWiki for Reconfigurable Robot Applications within Industrie 4.0Nadiouchka8RobWi - A Semantic MediaWiki for Reconfigurable Robot Applications within Industrie 4.0In this presentation a first prototype of a Semantic MediaWiki solution within a student project for modelling robot components will be described.
Semantic MediaWiki for programming and teaching context-aware Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) agentsNicole MerkleSemantic MediaWiki for programming and teaching context-aware Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) agentsThis talk presents how Semantic MediaWiki can be used to program a software-agent for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL).
Semantic MediaWiki for Context Management in a Web of Things Use Case of Ambient Assisted LivingNicole MerkleSemantic MediaWiki for Context Management in a Web of Things Use Case of Ambient Assisted LivingA non-technical expert friendly Semantic MediaWiki for describing and providing AAL context to distributed platforms, services and applications
Improvements in SQLStore3Nischay NahataImprovements in SQLStore3Things done to make your wiki faster
Semantic Mediawiki: New user bumpy journey - Year One - online presentationPavel SpacekSemantic Mediawiki: New user bumpy journey: ViolinwikiThe talk describes the initial exploration of possibilities, development, impact and final results of SMW implementation and usage in Violinwiki.
The Information WorkbenchPeter HaaseThe Information WorkbenchThe description of very powerful wiki-like semantic information platform
SOFISwikiPeter MutschkeSOFISwikiSocial Science Projects stored and acquired with a SMW
NATO's Use of SMW for Enterprise ArchitecturePeter WoudsmaNATO's Use of SMW for Enterprise ArchitectureNATO's Allied Command Transformation has developed a tool and repository for Enterprise Architecture by using SMW for the definition of a data model in a so-called Enterprise Mapping Wiki. This presentation will provide a overview of the structure, development, and capabilities.
OntoWiki - A Linked Data WikiPhilipp FrischmuthOntoWiki - A Linked Data WikiThe talk about the main SMW competitor: Ontowiki
Creating a wiki-farm with automated new instance deployment with Ansible scripts: challenges and learningsPierre BoutetCreating a wiki-farm with automated new instance deployment with Ansible scripts: challenges and learningsCreating a wiki-farm with automated new instance deployment with Ansible scripts: challenges and learnings
How we hacked Visual Editor to add an edit images featurePierre BoutetHow we hacked Visual Editor to add an edit images featureHow we hacked Visual Editor to enable users to insert, crop and edit images directly into VE modal.
Beyond SemanticPierre RacineBeyond pointsHow to turn SMW into a complete Geographic Information System
Understanding ontology componentsRalf RoletschekUnderstanding ontology componentsThis workshop aims to prepare a scenario for a simpleshow explaining the basics on ontology components
Catalan modernism in architectureRalf RoletschekKatalanischer Modernismus in der ArchitekturEine deutschsprachige Stadtführung mit dem Schwerpunkt Katalanischer Modernismus in der Architektur.
Photography tourRalf RoletschekWrap up of Tutorial Day and Sightseeing/Photography tourSummarizing the day and invitation to go on a photography tour together. Pictures of Vienna will be uploaded to Vienna Wiki and/or Creative Commons
Kadaster Innovation FunnelRemco de Boer
Ton van der Zwet
The Kadaster Innovation FunnelWe present the concept, implementation and use of the Kadaster Innovation Funnel, which has been realized using a combination of Semantic MediaWiki, linked data, and Linked Data Theatre visualization.
SmartConnectRemco de BoerThe SmartConnect extensionThis talk introduces SmartConnect, an extension to import data from several modelleing environments.
Wiki Product LinesRemco de BoerWiki Product LinesWe've started using SMW as a framework for product lines. One of the main challenges we've encountered is how to streamline in-wiki content synchronization between product instantiations.
Semantic Time Traveling: Tagging and Branching Knowledge with SMW (a vision)Remco de BoerSemantic Time Traveling: Tagging and Branching Knowledge with SMW (a vision)In this talk, I would like to explore with the audience the possibilities to 'travel through time' in Semantic MediaWiki, borrowing concepts and ideas from version control systems.
Architectural knowledge management with SMWRemco de BoerArchitectural knowledge management with SMWHere we want to describe some of our work on architectural knowledge management with SMW for the Dutch e-government, especially our recent work on an interconnected system of semantic wiki's.
Management of Process Requirements with Semantic MediaWiki: experience in software engineering industry.Ricardo EITO-BRUNManagement of Process Requirements with Semantic MediaWiki: Experience in the Software Engineering Industry.The presentation discusses the use of Semantic MediaWiki to manage process requirements in the context of a software development company. The use of SMW allows the easy integration of process requirements defined in different software engineering standards within a Process Reference Model (PRM) based on the tailoring of the ECSS standards for VSEs (Very Small Entities) developed by different entities (ESA, CNES, DLR, JAXA, etc.)
Keynote talkRich EvansKeynote talkWhy NASA uses Semantic Mediawiki (and why you should too)
Introduction in BlueSpice and Semantic MediaWikiRichard HeiglIntroduction in BlueSpice and Semantic MediaWiki (Tutorial)In this tutorial we will show to what extent BlueSpice MediaWiki uses semantic
A MediaWiki news channel!Richard HeiglA MediaWiki news channel!Let's join forces to promote features, developments, events and field reports.
Conference Opening: Future of knowledge sharingRichard HeiglConference Opening: The future of knowledge sharingIn addition to notes on the organization of the three conference days, there is a short input on the conference topic and the program
BlueSpice goes SemanticRichard HeiglBlueSpice goes SemanticThis session will sketch the current BlueSpice Semantics roadmap.
MediaWiki Experts BlogRichard HeiglMediaWiki Experts BlogBuilding bridges between the many subprojects around MediaWiki
Open CSP demoRob CommerenOpen CSP demoDemo of Open CSP
Graphical User Interface for Semantic MediaWiki – Product data management at a paper machineRobert RadkeGraphical User Interface for Semantic MediaWiki - Product data management at a paper machineThis talk will provide an insight into product data management via a graphical user interface using Semantic MediaWiki.
Natural Language Queries to Wikidata: A Naïve PrototypeRobert TimmNatural Language Queries to Wikidata: A Naïve PrototypeIn this lightning talk, we'll delve into a prototype I've been tinkering with, which is all about enabling more intuitive interactions with Wikidata through natural language queries.
Using SMW for hydrological analysisRobert UlrichPotential analysis for hydro power using Semantic MediaWikiA short talk about how Semantic MediaWiki can be used for hydrological analysis
Using smw for hydrological analysisRobert UlrichPotential analysis for hydro power using Semantic MediaWikiA short talk about how Semantic MediaWiki can be used for hydrological analysis
Introducing Extension:WorkflowsRobert VogelIntroducing Extension:WorkflowsIn this talk, I want to introduce the Workflows extension in general and show integrations with Semantic MediaWiki in particular. I will include a demo about how to create custom workflows and give hints about the extensibility of the extension.
Export semantic data via API (Tutorial)Robert VogelExport semantic data via API (Tutorial)The most important concepts and where you can learn everything
Design/configure templates for optimal use with VisualEditorRobert VogelDesign/configure templates for optimal use with VisualEditorLearn about how to use TemplateData in order to facilitate using your templates through Visual Editor
Fundamental MW security/safety considerations for 3rd party usersRobert VogelFundamental MW security/safety considerations for 3rd party usersA quick overview of "Server / Network security", "Application / Code security" and "Content security"
Simultaneous editing: First experiencesRobert VogelSimultaneous editing: First experiencesA couple of month ago, Extension:CollabPads was added to BlueSpice MediaWiki. This talk it about how we got there and what we learned since then.
Small but useful MediaWiki extensionsRobert VogelSmall but useful MediaWiki extensionsQuick introduction of some small extensions the BlueSpice team has created in the last year
Extension for creating and managing inline commentsRobin van der WielExtension for creating and managing inline commentsIn this talk we present a new extension for creating and managing inline comments, similar to the way comments can be posted in documents in e.g. Microsoft Word. Users can select fragments on a wiki page a post a comment linked to that fragment. Commented fragments will be highlighted and thus be visible to other users, who can display the comment text and post replies.

Comments can be made to static text fragments on a wiki page, but also to images and even to fragments of query results (e.g. words in table cells). The extension can be used with or without SMW. With SMW, comments will be added as semantic properties (subobjects) to the page and can be queried as any other property. Editors (with applicable permission) can manage (display, filter, complete, reopen, delete) comments from a special page.

A demo will be given and we can discuss whether this extension is suitable to be published as open source.
WikiXL Concept EditorToine Schijvenaars
Robin van der Wiel
ConceptXL - Concept Management and PublicationIn this presentation, we will introduce a tool called the "Concept Manager", which is designed to comply with the Dutch standard NL-SBB (Dutch version of SKOS and other semantic standards). We will also show how we use this in collaboration with the "Concept Viewer" on our ConceptXL product. We also demonstrate the technical implementation on the MediaWiki platform and show which existing and custom-developed extensions we use to achieve this functionality.
Skin Components with MediaWikiRobis KoopmansSkin Components with MediaWiki (tutorial)Maintainable and flexible interfaces with Skin Components
Practical introduction to using SMWRobis KoopmansPractical introduction to using SMW (Tutorial)This tutorial will be an introduction to using Semantic MediaWiki, I will talk about how we use Semantic MediaWiki for our projects at Wikibase Solutions, and will give some examples and a hands-on tutorial on how to use Semantic MediaWiki for your own projects.
Semantic MediaWiki in SurgeryRudolf RempelSemantic MediaWiki in SurgeryThis presentation is an overview of our experience in using Semantic Media Wiki for gathering and modelling knowledge of surgeons as a basis for context-aware information retrieval.
How to successfully lose readersSabine MelnickiHow to successfully lose readersContent Design in the wiki – idea on how to improve text-heavy pages
Semantic MediaWiki and Semantic FormsSabine MelnickiSemantic MediaWiki and Semantic FormsShort introduction of why and how to work with Semantic Forms for easier data input in (Semantic) MediaWiki.
Batch import of large RDF datasets using RDFIO or the new rdf2smw toolSamuel LampaBatch import of large RDF datasets using RDFIO or the new rdf2smw toolThe talk will present the status of the RDFIO extension, as well as recent work on an alternative approach for RDF import with the rdf2smw tool.
Datetimepicker2Sebastian SchmidDatetimepicker2JavaScript based Page Forms input type, that provides users with the ability to pick date, time and timezone in one go.
SRF Mermaid: Gantt Charts from Semantic DataSebastian SchmidSRF Mermaid: Gantt Charts from Semantic DataA new Result Format to render Gantt charts
KeynoteSelena DeckelmanKeynoteSelena Deckelmann is the Chief Product and Technology Officer at the Wikimedia Foundation. She will discuss her role and what she sees in the future for MediaWiki and other Wikimedia software.
SolrStoreSimon BachenbergSolrStoreFieldbased Search for SMW
An introduction to some useful extensions in the context of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWikiSimon HeimlerAn introduction to some useful extensions in the context of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWikiThis presentation will provide an overview and introduction to extensions I have created which may be useful in the context of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki.
Complex Data Model GenerationSimon HeimlerComplex Data Model GenerationIn this talk an object oriented modelling approach based on the JSON Schema format will be introduced for improved maintaining of complex data structure.
FabMob, a Wiki to empower mobility communities working on open sourceSimon SarazinFabMob, a Wiki to empower mobility communities working on open sourceOur wiki index majors resources such as people, company, common, community but also event, knowledge, thesis and formation.
Current state of OpenSemanticLabSimon StierCurrent state of OpenSemanticLabHow it is utilized in institutional knowledge/data management and research projects
Object oriented linked data (OO-LD)Simon StierObject oriented linked data (OO-LD)How to make large knowledge graphs structured for machines manageable for humans.
Updates from OpenSemanticLabSimon StierUpdates from OpenSemanticLabSince last year we rewrite OpenSemanticLab to be based completely on industry standards JSON-SCHEMA and JSON-LD. This allows to build new applications in no time and without any wiki templates and enables easy integration with any third party software. We also added experimental support to trigger external Python workflows through REST APIs and LocalGPT Q&A + search assistance.
OpenSemanticLab - SMW for Science and R&DSimon StierOpenSemanticLab - SMW for Science and R&DOpen Semantic Lab is a SMW-based holistic web platform that can capture all data and ideas and link them precisely (semantically/ontology-based) - no matter if it' s inventory (LIMS), lab notes (ELN), procedures (SOPs) or research (KB). Each piece of information can also be machine-read, blockchain-signed and written to automatically transfer (Lab 4.0) and analyze (AI) measurement data. As an open system, Open Semantic Lab can be easily adapted with little to none programming knowledge without losing the uniform structure. In this way, we can contribute to everyone's knowledge individually and yet in a standardized way.
Automated Testing for Complex Mediawiki TopologiesStef DunlapAutomated Testing for Complex Mediawiki TopologiesAn updated on projects at the Wikimedia Foundation for running end-to-end tests against wikis with multiple extensions and services using Kubernetes and GitLab CI.
Chameleon 2Stephan GambkeChameleon 2 SkinNew features / wishes for the forthcoming next release.
Filtered result formatStephan GambkeFiltered result formatA talk about the new Filtered result format
Connections between SMW and WikibaseSébastien BeyouConnections between SMW and WikibaseSemantic MediaWiki and Wikibase are two implementations of the idea of semantic Web inside MediaWiki. The first one is basically semantic annotations inside a text, and the second one is very structured data without surrounding text. Both have advantages and different uses. This lightning talk will explore these different approaches and open the discussion about the opportunity of linking together these two tools in order to use both ecosystems in a coherent perspective.
Semantic MediaWiki and Open Scholarly CommunicationSören AuerSemantic MediaWiki and Open Scholarly CommunicationProf. Dr. Sören Auer from Fraunhofer Institute Bonn will hold this year's keynote.
HochN Wiki - Building a collaborative knowledge platform for Sustainability in Higher EducationThilo SchrothHochN Wiki - Building a collaborative knowledge platform for Sustainability in Higher EducationThe HochN-Wiki is a collaborative knowledge platform aiming to support the work for Sustainable Higher Education. I report on the basic use of the wiki, the current state of building the community around it and also its unlikely emergence as a major outcome of the project itself, as there was zero funding planned for it in the initial project proposal.
Breaking News Detection with Wikidata and WikipediaThomas SteinerBreaking News Detection with Wikidata and WikipediaThis talk informs about the work of incorporating Wikidata in "Wikipedia Live Monitor" tool.
Extension "VisualData"Thomas TopwayExtension "VisualData"Short presentation of VisualData.
SMW Multipage Spreadsheet EditingWolfgang Fahl
Tim Holzheim
SMW Multipage Spreadsheet EditingIn a semantic mediawiki pages often have 1:n relations such as event series and event. Editing such a setup is tedious because each page needs to be modified individually. A much more natural approach would be to have a spreadsheet editing capability. In this talk we present a solution based on the python libraries created in the ConfIDent project.
Wikidata Synchronization for the CEUR-WS publishing platform use caseTim HolzheimWikidata Synchronization for the CEUR-WS publishing platform use caseData synchronization between Wikidata and SMW on the CEUR-WS use case.
Visualisualisation of Semantic RelationsTim SteinVisualisualisation of Semantic RelationsBased on VisualRDF, the Knowledge Base Visualizer (see demo below) allows to visualize RDF-data delivered from a SPARQL-Endpoint as a netzwork-graph. It is possible, to filter nodes and links via and their apperance (color, shape, size) via two seperate SPARQL-queries completely customizable.
SciCom Wiki - FAIR knowledge infrastructure for educational contentTim WittenborgSciCom Wiki—FAIR knowledge infrastructure for educational contentSciCom Wiki describes scientific and educational content such as videos and podcasts. This talk highlights our journey from concept in 2021 to non-profit establishment in 2023.
4 wikis in health careTina Tenbergen4 wikis in health careI could talk about any of the 4 wikis I run, about something we have set up on them (one is used for scheduling shifts, on another we have regular importing and exporting from Access, another has a role based documentation and onboarding mechanism, etc.) The oldest started in 2009.
Semantic Organization – Supporting Self-Management in OrganizationsTobias HaiderSemantic Organization – Supporting Self-Management in OrganizationsHow SMW can help businesses and other types of organizations to strengthen collaboration providing a reliable and transparent infrastructure
Modelling Clinical PathwaysTobias WellerModelling Clinical PathwaysThis presentation gives an introduction in using Semantic Media Wiki for Modelling Medical Processes in Semantic BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation).
Mapping data to pages using an upload tool for MS Excel filesTobias WellerMapping data to pages using an upload tool for MS-Excel filesThis lightning talk introduces you to a tool allowing to upload data stored in an MS-Excel file into templates on wiki pages.
Semantic OLAP: Using OLAP Functionality to Analyse Semantic MediaWiki DataTobias WellerSemantic OLAP: Using OLAP Functionality to Analyse Semantic MediaWiki DataSemanticOLAP allows to perform OLAP functionality on SMW data in the Semantic MediaWiki
ArchiMedes™ architecture publishing platformToine SchijvenaarsArchiMedes™ architecture publishing platformArchiMedes™ is a turn-key platform for publishing architecture models and views that you have created with existing modeling tools such as Sparx Enterprise Architect, BiZZdesign Architect, Archi or any other modeling tool that supports the ArchiMate Exchange File Format form The Open Group.
Using Semantic MediaWiki in enterprise architectureToine SchijvenaarsUsing Semantic MediaWiki in enterprise architechtureIn this tutorial the participants will learn how semantic wikis can be used to manage architectural knowledge.
Introducing HR MetadataTom KronenburgIntroducing HR MetadataThe HR metadata is a wiki where the dutch national government is maintaining a set of HR-related definitions and contextualizations (based on the ISO 11179) model. In this presentation we'd like to show some of the features and ideas we used to build this system and some of troubles we encountered.
Introduction to SMW Extension creationToni Hermoso PulidoIntroduction to SMW Extension creationAn introduction to how to develop basic MediaWiki extensions. We will show how to create your own extensions to increase the possibilities of your wiki.
Introduction to MediaWiki extensions creationToni Hermoso PulidoIntroduction to MediaWiki extensions creationAn introduction to how to develop basic MediaWiki extensions. We will show how to create your own extensions to increase the possibilities of your wiki.
Mediawiki Extension DevelopmentToni Hermoso PulidoMediawiki Extension DevelopmentAn introduction to how to develop basic MediaWiki extensions. We will show how to create your own extensions to increase the possibilities of your wiki.
Semantic MediaWiki as a platform for lab management and biological annotationToni Hermoso PulidoSemantic MediaWiki as a platform for lab management and biological annotationThe talk will feature some use cases of Semantic MediaWiki framework in laboratory environments and biological annotation projects.
Introduction to MediaWiki extensions creationToni Hermoso PulidoIntroduction to MediaWiki extensions creationAn introduction to how to develop basic MediaWiki extensions. We will show how to create your own extensions to increase the possibilities of your wiki.
Hands-on session. Programming MediaWiki extensionToni Hermoso PulidoHands-on session. Programming a MediaWiki extensionWe will put to test what we learnt in previous sessions and we will code some extensions
Meeting Minutes & Group CommunicationUser:DarenwelshMeeting Minutes & Group CommunicationBy using a single form and one key property, notes from meetings are now appended to associated topic pages (no more searching through email archives!). Going further, how to use the main page as a plaza to annunciate relevant meetings and featured articles.
Lightning Talk Session OneVariousLightning Talk Session OneSeries of very short talks (max 3 min/5 slides) on various topics.
Lightning Talk Session 1VariousLightning Talk Session 1Series of very short talks (3 minutes, 5 slides max) on various topics. Please add name & title of your talk to this page, if you would like to contribute. You may also use to describe your talk. In this case, please leave a link to the subpage.
Archived proposal from ViktorViktor SchellingBringing Microsoft 365 and MediaWiki togetherThis is partly an idea pitch and an update of how we are developing this at Pegasystems. I'll talk about utilising Microsoft Graph to synchronize MediaWiki content to it, and have its content available in many layers of Microsoft - including M365 Copilot. I'll also touch upon integrating data from MS Graph into the Wiki itself.
WS FormViktor SchellingWSFormA forms extension
Extension "WSForm" hands-onViktor SchellingExtension "WSForm" hands-onDiscover WSForm yourself. Ideally you familiarize yourself with HTML5 Forms.
Ambitious internet business with SMWViktor SchellingAmbitious internet business with SMWThis talk offers some takeaways from a project that is being developed for a California-based internet entrepreneur
Bringing Microsoft 365 and MediaWiki togetherViktor SchellingBringing Microsoft 365 and MediaWiki togetherHow to utilise Microsoft Graph to synchronise MediaWiki content for visibility across Microsoft's M365 suite, including the GenAI Assistant 'M365 Copilot'.
Content Services Platform - why it is important for youViktor SchellingContent Services Platform - why it is important for you
  • Why do I care about a Content Services Platform (CSP)?
  • How does MediaWiki support CSP's?
  • OpenResearch - Find your scientific conferenceWazed AliOpenResearch - Find your scientific conferenceThis semantic wiki at Openresearch aims at making the world of science more visible and accessible. Everybody can add his favorite events (e.g. conferences and workshops), co-workers, tools/datasets, community fora or journals. Pooled together these pieces of information constitute a vast knowledge base about who and what moves science forward.
    OpenResearch - Find your scientific conferenceWazed AliOpenResearch - Find your scientific conferenceThis semantic wiki at Openresearch aims at making the world of science more visible and accessible. Everybody can add his favorite events (e.g. conferences and workshops), co-workers. Pooled together these pieces of information constitute a vast knowledge base about who and what moves science forward.
    KeynoteWerner FischerKeynote: Sustainable technical documentationHow the Thomas Krenn Wiki became an indispensable self-service capacity for information seekers inside and outside the company
    Relaunch of HaloACLWojtek BreiterRelaunch of HaloACLFollowing up the talk in Berlin, 2013, the progress of the Relaunch of HaloACL will be discussed.
    Wikipush ToolkitWolfgang FahlWikipush Toolkitwikipush,wikiedit,wikiupload,wikinuke,wikiuser a set of tools for automating SMW page content handling using python and a command line
    Dockerizing Semantic MediaWikiWolfgang FahlDockerizing Semantic MediaWikiThis workshop shows us how to use Docker in connection with Semantic MediaWiki.
    SimpleGraph Semantic Media Wiki ModuleWolfgang FahlSimpleGraph Semantic Media Wiki ModuleHow Semantic Media Wiki integrates with multiple other systems via Apache TinkerPop/Gremlin
    Smart and professional integration of office documentsWolfgang FahlSmart and professional integration of office documentsThis presentation introduces a smart way of integrating word documents into a Semantic MediaWiki.
    Using Semantic MediaWiki for managing quizzes for knowledge examination and evaluationWolfgang FahlUsing Semantic MediaWiki for managing quizzes for knowledge examination and evaluationExperience report on how to use SMW based content for running courses that prepare for certification exams e.g. in Software Architecture and Requirements Engineering.
    Introduction to Semantic ConceptsWolfgang FahlIntroduction to Semantic ConceptsWhat does Semantic mean? What are triples? How do I query data? ...
    smartMediaWikiWolfgang FahlsmartMediaWiki - smart extension of SMWExtending Semantic Media Wiki in smart ways
    Semantic CMSWolfgang FahlSemantic Content Management SystemUsing Semantic Mediawiki as a Content Management System
    pyMediaWikiDockerWolfgang FahlpyMediaWikiDockerPython controlled mediawiki docker application cluster installation
    Semantification of GenealogyResearchWolfgang FahlSemantification of GenealogyResearchCompGen runs a regular MediaWiki with thousands of pages on genealogical research. This talk presents the ongoing semantification efforts.
    Lightweight data browsing with MigaYaron KorenLightweight data browsing with MigaHow to run and use the Miga Data Viewer, and how it fits into the Semantic MediaWiki ecosystem.
    Cargo and Page Forms: state of the extensionsYaron KorenCargo and Page Forms: state of the extensionsThis talk will cover some of the recent improvements and new features in the Cargo and Page Forms extensions, and show how the two can work closely alongside one another. (Note: this talk can be split up into two if necessary.)
    "Data is data" and the future of data browsingYaron Koren"Data is data" and the future of data browsingToward a unified theory of data browsing, and what it means for SMW's browsing functionality, including Semantic Drilldown and others.
    What's new in Page Forms and the restYaron KorenWhat's new in Page Forms and the restHighlights of recent additions to extensions including Page Forms, Page Schemas and External Data
    From graphs to tablesYaron KorenFrom graphs to tablesThe case for storing semantic data in tables instead of, or in addition to, graphs - for SMW/Cargo, Wikidata, and beyond
    Business Process Management (BPM) with MediaWikiYaron KorenBusiness Process Management (BPM) with MediaWikiLearn about a planned dedicated extension supporting BPM with MediaWiki
    Cargo and the future of SMWYaron KorenCargo and the future of SMWAn explanation and demonstration of the new Cargo extension, and what it may mean for SMW users and developers.
    Fixing Wikidata (by viewing it as a series of tables)Yaron KorenFixing Wikidata (by viewing it as a series of tables)Thoughts on how to improve Wikidata (and yes, Wikibase) querying and editing.
    What Semantic Forms won't doYaron KorenWhat Semantic Forms won't doAn overview of the commonly-requested features for Semantic Forms that won't be implemented, at least in the foreseeable future.
    What's new in Semantic FormsYaron KorenWhat's new in Semantic FormsA recap of recent-ish changes and new features in the Semantic Forms extension.
    Enterprise MediaWiki: State of the EcosystemYaron KorenEnterprise MediaWiki: State of the EcosystemThe current state of development and usage of "Enterprise MediaWiki" - MediaWiki as used by businesses and organizations.
    Improving Wikidata some moreYaron KorenForage: An alternative user interface to Wikibase/WikidataThoughts on improving Wikidata's (and, more generally, Wikibase's) user interface.
    The Other ExtensionsYaron KorenThe Other ExtensionsThe average SMW-based wiki has a bunch of other extensions installed, semantic and otherwise, and this tutorial covers some of them, with a special focus on Semantic Forms.
    So you want to write an SMW extensionYaron KorenSo you want to write an SMW extensionthoughts on creating and maintaining SMW-based extensions that will be useful to yourself and (hopefully) others, from a semi-technical perspective.
    Standardizing on recommended code revisionsYaron KorenStandardizing on recommended code revisionsA plug for Recommended revisions.
    Using the Miga Data ViewerYaron KorenUsing the Miga Data ViewerA talk and demo for the Miga Data Viewer, including its features, its current usage, and its place within the SMW "ecosystem".
    The Other ExtensionsYaron KorenThe Other ExtensionsThe average SMW-based wiki has a bunch of other extensions installed, semantic and otherwise, and this tutorial covers some of them, with a special focus on Semantic Forms.
    Semantic Extensions at its bestYaron KorenSemantic Extensions at its bestHow to use Semantic Forms, Semantic Result Formats, Semantic Compound Queries at best for a good workflow. How to use query forms.
    SMW consultingYaron KorenSMW for Fun and ProfitThoughts on the MediaWiki and SMW consulting business.
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