The Glossary Jigsaw: Unraveling Overlapping Terms from Diverse Sources

SMWCon Fall 2023The Glossary Jigsaw: Unraveling Overlapping Terms from Diverse Sources
SMWCon Fall 2023
The Glossary Jigsaw: Unraveling Overlapping Terms from Diverse Sources
Talk details
Description: This talk highlights the effective utilization of Semantic MediaWiki to streamline and harmonize complex glossaries sourced from diverse origins, mitigating the challenges posed by overlapping or identical glossary terms.
Speaker(s): Alexander Gesinn
Type: Talk
Audience: Business people, Academics
Event start: 2023/12/12 10:30:00
Length: 20 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: glossary, quality management, standards
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In today's information-rich landscape, organizations often grapple with the challenge of managing complex glossaries sourced from multiple origins, leading to the proliferation of partly overlapping or identical glossary terms. This talk explores an innovative solution using Semantic MediaWiki to harmonize and streamline these intricate lexicons, fostering clarity and coherence in terminology management.

Semantic MediaWiki, an extension of the traditional MediaWiki platform, empowers users to capture semantic data alongside text content. By harnessing its capabilities, we delve into the art of creating a unified glossary repository that not only reconciles overlapping terms but also enriches them with meaningful relationships and semantic context.

We embark on a journey to understand the intricacies of glossary integration within Semantic MediaWiki, demonstrating how it efficiently resolves redundancy, supports cross-referencing, and facilitates seamless navigation of intricate terminologies. This talk presents practical strategies, use cases, and real-world examples of organizations successfully harnessing Semantic MediaWiki to manage complex glossaries.

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