ArchiMedes™ architecture publishing platform

< SMWCon Fall 2016
SMWCon Fall 2016ArchiMedes™ architecture publishing platform
SMWCon Fall 2016
ArchiMedes™ architecture publishing platform
Talk details
Description: ArchiMedes™ is a turn-key platform for publishing architecture models and views that you have created with existing modeling tools such as Sparx Enterprise Architect, BiZZdesign Architect, Archi or any other modeling tool that supports the ArchiMate Exchange File Format form The Open Group.
Speaker(s): Toine Schijvenaars
Slides: see here
Type: Talk, Technical talk, Demo, Workshop
Audience: Everyone
Event start: 2016/09/30 09:00:00
Event finish: 2016/09/30 09:30:00
Length: 30 minutes
Video: click here
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ArchiMedes™ is a turn-key platform for publishing architecture models and views that you have created with existing modeling tools such as Sparx Enterprise Architect, BiZZdesign Architect, Archi or any other modeling tool that supports the ArchiMate Exchange File Format form The Open Group. In this talk we will also demonstrate ArchiMedes™ as a back end solution for the national software catalogue for Dutch and Flemish municipalities.