smw and linked data for federation of government standards and architecture

< SMWCon Fall 2022
SMWCon Fall 2022SMW and linked data for federation of government standards and architecture
SMWCon Fall 2022
SMW and linked data for federation of government standards and architecture
Talk details
Description: Dutch guideliness and knowledge about Enterprise Architecture as well as use of standards is disseminated in distinct sectors with their own SMW. Using linked data, we facilitate sectors to make use of national information.
Speaker(s): Joris Dirks
Slides: see here
Type: Talk, In session
Audience: Developers, Community, Business people
Event start: 2022/10/28 11:15:00
Event finish: 2022/10/28 11:55:00
Length: 40 minutes
Video: click here
Give feedback is a SMW. It describes the reference architecture for the Dutch public sector. One part of the reference architecture is the information on open standards as agreed upon by the Standardisation Forum. These standards are currently published in a Drupal site, but will be maintained in SMW and disseminated in the context of NORA, sectoral architectures, and tools like the Software Catalogue where organisations can see which software products use what standards.

For this dissemination, Linked Data will be used. ArchiXL will use a vocabulary for the data, and publish selected data to a triple store which can be queried with SPARQL. The linked data publication-function offers:

  1. ‘Clean’: only the ‘imported from’-properties
  2. Exports in Turtle (TTL), JSON-LD
  3. Custom ‘RdfURI’
  4. Custom Prefixes
  5. Recursive exports
  6. Three options:
    1. Automaticly shown export button,
    2. Semantic Result Format,
    3. Virtuoso publication


SMW for linked data publication of standards - Joris Dirks.pdf