Data Management in Organizations with SMW - fulfilling GDPR requirements

< SMWCon Fall 2017
SMWCon Fall 2017Data Management in Organizations with SMW - fulfilling GDPR requirements
SMWCon Fall 2017
Data Management in Organizations with SMW - fulfilling GDPR requirements
Talk details
Description: The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) opens a unique window of opportunity for SMW to be used to document records of processing activities in organizations.
Speaker(s): Bernhard Krabina
Slides: see here
Type: Talk, Presentation
Audience: Everyone, Academics
Event start: 2017/10/05 14:20:00
Event finish: 2017/10/05 14:55:00
Length: 20 minutes
Video: not available
Keywords: Business, GDPR, Public administration
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Data Management in Organizations becomes increasingly important. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organizations to document records of processing activities. What else could be a better solution than to use SMW for this purpose.

As the GDPR will beome effective directly in all EU member states as of May 2018 a unique window of opportunity opens for SMW based solutions.

Here are links to the solution: