Exploiting and empowering semantic data with 2 new semantic extension: Sparql Result Format and Semantic Auth/Profiling

From semantic-mediawiki.org

Extension · Sparql · Graph · BI · Analytics · Diagrams · Profiling · Authorization · RDF · Triples · Triplestore · Dashboard · Permissions · configure · query · Security

Accepted | Talk | Extensions

Male-solid.svg Matteo Busanelli | Gabriele Cornacchia

Knowledge Management is a cross domain discipline and we (Imola Informatica) apply it on many different areas: EKM, Document Management, Enterprise Architecture, IT Service Management and Governance, IT Security, Normative Compliance etc....

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All starts from an formal ontology model that we build up and share with the customer (starting from base ontologies already developed) and then semi automatially we generate a specialized SMW. To do that we have developed a complete suite of tools that we call Semantic Knowledge Management Platform. Today we want to present 2 specific extensions that we developed and published (and currently using for our custmers) that exploit semantic mediawiki fuctionalities for different scopes:

  1. SparqlResultFormat - Its'a graphical data visualization and tabular reporting for BI and analytics purpose (i.e Istogram, Navigable graph/treemaps, pie chart, bubble chart, tables, CSV export etc...). All data are rendered from a Sparql query on an arbitrary sparql endpoint. Special focuswill be on the component for navigating partial RDF graph from Sparql store. In this case a live demo could be performed.
  2. Semantic Auth/Profiling - Finally we got it! A powerfull and easy configurable user Profiling and Authorization system based on Categories and Properties of the model imported in the wiki (for example using RDFIO but actually we are still using our self made tool SEMI that generete templete, form, categories and properties from OWL ontologies and that import RDF triples as wiki pages). An example of usage are "We want to profile all user that are part of group Project Manager: only a Project Manger can Create/Edit new Projects pages. They can also view Suppliers and Budgeting pages but not edit them." But also we could assign single page administration based on a specific semantic property: i.e "Each Customer has his Customer Account (semantic property) that is also the Customer page Admin (can edit page)."


Video: Presentation video on YouTube