Natural language interaction with a wiki

SMWCon Fall 2023Natural language interaction with a wiki
SMWCon Fall 2023
Natural language interaction with a wiki
Talk details
Description: Benefits, patterns and pitfalls of a new interaction paradigm
Speaker(s): Markus Glaser
Type: Talk
Audience: Everyone
Event start: 2023/12/11 14:15:00
Length: 45 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: ai, natural language processing, ux
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In the past year, we have seen the rise of natural language based interaction, most prominently driven by ChatGPT. Chat seems to be a very intuitive way of working with a software. In this talk, I will explore

  • what conversations with a wiki may look like,
  • where there is a benefit over classical click interfaces,
  • how this could be implemented, and
  • why it can raise the use of wikis to a new level.