FabMob, a Wiki to empower mobility communities working on open source

From semantic-mediawiki.org

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Male-solid.svg Simon Sarazin

Our wiki index majors resources such as people, company, common, community but also event, knowledge, thesis and formation.

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FabMob develop open source assets in the field of mobility. We created an international network of skills, stakeholders, commons, events and persons. We have started in France, found a wonderful team in Québec, help building an open resource center for Africa and start working in Italy and in Germany. We develop a Wiki based on MediaWiki, in relation with a rocketchat and a cloud. Theses tools aim to empower all stakeholders.

We are working to add an open badge system and a visualisation tool (proto : https://fluidlog.gitlab.io/cartofabmob/)


Video: Presentation video on YouTube

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