Taking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS)

From semantic-mediawiki.org
< SMWCon Fall 2017
SMWCon Fall 2017Taking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS)
SMWCon Fall 2017
Taking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS)
Talk details
Description: Taking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS)
Speaker(s): Lex Sulzer
Type: Workshop, Tutorial
Audience: Everyone, Community, Admins
Event start: 2017/10/04 15:45:00
Event finish: 2017/10/04 17:00:00
Length: 75 minutes
Video: not available
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Relevant information retrieval represents the primary human-computer interface towards our customers' end users. It is the ultimate end of our guild's service provision loop between knowledge workers and knowledge consumers.

Please see https://mwstake.org/mwstake/wiki/Project_-_SemanticInformationRetrieval_(SIR) for further information.