Christoph Sonnlechner

Name  Sonnlechner
First name  Christoph
Job title  
Agenda Picture  Agenda-christoph_sonnlechner.png
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About me  Christoph Sonnlechner is an archivist and historian in Vienna. He works at the Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv (Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna). He is head of the Wien Geschichte Wiki working group at the archives.
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Events  SMWCon Fall 2014,

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Talk Other SMWCon TalksDescriptionEvent
Historical Wiki of Vienna - the Largest City WikiSMWCon Fall 2014
10 years Vienna History WikiThe talk will give an overview of 10 years of operation of the Vienna History Wiki, the largest city wiki that leverages Semantic MediaWiki for GLAM institutions of the city of Vienna.MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024