SMWCon Fall 2022/Conference schedule

< SMWCon Fall 2022
SMWCon Fall 2022SMWCon Fall 2022/Conference schedule

Conference Day 1 - Wednesday, October 26
Find the correct time for your time zone here

15 min.
120 min.
Tutorials provide hands-on guidance for specific topics.
FlexForm is the forms extension that is part of Open CSP. This is a short tutorial about things that are new or have changed.
Python controlled mediawiki docker application cluster installation
The next SMW release will include and other vocabularies ready for re-use. The tutorial will cover aspects of linking to external data sources, re-using external vocabularies, and providing identifiers to be used to link to your own wiki.
60 min.
60 min.
Jeffrey Wang Founder and owner of MyWikis
How Canasta + SMW work together. The latest updates from the Canasta Project. Information on future development of Canasta.
30 min.
Yaron Koren Founder/CEO of WikiWorks
Highlights of recent additions to extensions including Page Forms, Page Schemas and External Data
30 min.
WikiGuard is an extension that implements policy based access control for wikis. In this talk WikiGuard will be explained and demonstrated. The purpose of the talk is to have a first step towards a good access control system for wikis.
15 min.
30 min.
30 min.
In future versions of MediaWiki parsing is going to change. This talk consists of a short presentation about the current situation and the opportunity to ask questions. The basics
30 min.
30 min.
45 min.
Selena Deckelman Chief Product and Technology Officer, WMF
Selena Deckelmann is the Chief Product and Technology Officer at the Wikimedia Foundation. She will discuss her role and what she sees in the future for MediaWiki and other Wikimedia software.

Conference Day 2 - Thursday, October 27
Find the correct time for your time zone here

30 min.
Alexander Gesinn Managing Director & Partner at GmbH & Co. KGJulian Franken Research Assistant
ConfIDent makes descriptive metadata on conferences and other formats of scientific events permanently accessible in a high quality through automated processes and scientific data curating.
30 min.
Open Semantic Lab is a SMW-based holistic web platform that can capture all data and ideas and link them precisely (semantically/ontology-based) - no matter if it' s inventory (LIMS), lab notes (ELN), procedures (SOPs) or research (KB). Each piece of information can also be machine-read, blockchain-signed and written to automatically transfer (Lab 4.0) and analyze (AI) measurement data. As an open system, Open Semantic Lab can be easily adapted with little to none programming knowledge without losing the uniform structure. In this way, we can contribute to everyone's knowledge individually and yet in a standardized way.
15 min.
30 min.
[[Jan H. Höffler|]]
The ReplicationWiki is undergoing a massive expansion and for the first time is used as a forum for a webinar series. The use case and experience with technical tools and challenges are presented.
30 min.
Alexander Gesinn Managing Director & Partner at GmbH & Co. KG
In this talk, we will show how knowledge-intensive business processes can be documented and automated through the symbiosis of SMW and a BPMN-workflow engine.
60 min.
210 min.
Session about Open CSP. Hosted by Jeroen Blijsie. This session will consist of presentations, a demonstration and discussion in break-outs. The details of this session will be explained at the start by our facilitator.
Open CSP is the open source framework that turns the MediaWiki platform into a powerful Enterprise ready workspace. This talk is about Open CSP and the launch of Open CSP as it becomes available today.
Demo of Open CSP
Rich Evans Electronics & Data Systems Engineer at NASA Glenn Research Center
The conference dinner is at Humphreys (

Conference Day 3 - Friday, October 28
Find the correct time for your time zone here

120 min.
Arjen Santema Consultant Tactical Information Management
In the datafication of juridical texts in real estate we combine a complete round-trip set of semantic web technogies. We built a skos-based taxonomy to organize the knowledge we derive from the text models and translate that knowledge into an ontology. The result is an rdf-a document that contains all the relevant data that conforms to the ontology and is self-explaining by the taxonomy.
Data synchronization between Wikidata and SMW on the CEUR-WS use case.
15 min.
Dutch guideliness and knowledge about Enterprise Architecture as well as use of standards is disseminated in distinct sectors with their own SMW. Using linked data, we facilitate sectors to make use of national information.
Erwin Oord Managing partner ArchiXL
This presentation explains how to publish architecture models created with the ArchiMate open standard for enterprise architecture modelling as truly reusable linked data using SMW and open vocabularies. ArchiMate is an open standard for modelling enterprise information architecture. In a previous SMWCon we have presented an extension for importing ArchiMate models into SMW, with every architecture element and relation represented by a wiki page. In this presentation we explain how we can publish this architecture knowledge to a linked data repository. One of the key aspects of publishing linked data is to align the data with one or more public vocabularies to make it truly reusable.
60 min.
60 min.
Lex Sulzer Knowledge Management Solutions Architect at dataspects GmbH
Our project "MWStake Community Services" pursues the goal of providing coherent, consistent, relevant and up-to-date information, tools and services for third-party MediaWiki users.
15 min.
[[Jan H. Höffler|]]
The standard Semantic MediaWiki search form is too complicated for average users, both for those setting up SMWs but especially for those who just use them. It should be relatively easy to adjust it to make it more user friendly.
135 min.
During the hackathon developers will try to solve some issues that have been brought up.