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not semantically annotated :(

"Data is data" and the future of data browsing
1,2,3 in 6 minutes
10 years Vienna History Wiki
4 wikis in health care
A Citizen Science Approach for a SMW-based eHumanities Project
A Generic Approach for Completing PDF-Forms with Data from Semantic MediaWiki
A MediaWiki Consortium: What we're doing and how you can get involved
A MediaWiki based open source content services platform
A Resource To Support Multilingual Legal Literacy
A Smart Guide to Preferred Formats
A beginner's guide to using Semantic Mediawiki
AI-supported KM with Juggel
About MediaWiki evolution - information from the recent Wikimedia Technical Conference
Adding power to educational and research wikis with Semantic MediaWiki
Ambitious internet business with SMW
An Analysis of Semantic Wiki Communities: Why Are They Embracing Properties and Not Concepts?
An Interactive Knowledge Sharing platform for Scientific Organization and Research Activities Management
An Open CSP community
An introduction to some useful extensions in the context of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki
Application prototyping with Semantic MediaWiki and BlueSpice
Approved Revs v1.0 with Semantic Approvers
ArchiMedes™ architecture publishing platform
Architectural knowledge management with SMW
Archived proposal from Viktor
Automated Testing for Complex Mediawiki Topologies
Automating Knowledge Intensive Processes
Automating SMW install and data loading
Backend infrastructure experience exchange e.g. SqlStore, Elasticsearch, Blazegraph, Virtuoso, Jena
Batch import of large RDF datasets using RDFIO or the new rdf2smw tool
Benefits of running MediaWiki in a pertinent dockerized setup
Beyond Semantic
BlueForge Feature Matrix: WikiData - An experience report
BlueSpice goes Semantic
Brain-Inspired Expertise Management
Break-outs with discussion and feedback
Breaking News Detection with Wikidata and Wikipedia
Breakout Session
Bringing Microsoft 365 and MediaWiki together
Building enterprise knowledge using semantic encyclopedias
Building on top of SMW
Bundle:Grover Ontology
Cargo and Semantic MediaWiki
Cargo and the future of SMW
Catalan modernism in architecture
... further results