Example gallery does not work in SMW 2.5.5

From semantic-mediawiki.org

Simple code

{{#ask: [[Category:Pictures]] | format=gallery }}

does not work in the following configuration:

  • MediaWiki version: 1.27.1
  • Semantic MediaWiki: 2.5.5

Test page: http://sysadminwiki.ru/wiki/Project:Test

More advanced code does not work either. The installation and configuration were made as official manual suggests. Semantic queries work.

Is it something "obvious" that the instruction skipped, but that should be done, so the semantic gallery will work?

-- 24pm (talk) 05:03, 10 January 2018 (CET)

05:03, 10 January 2018

Great, cool that it works out for you now.

10:13, 11 January 2018