SMWCon Fall 2013/Conference days
< SMWCon Fall 2013(Redirected from SMWCon Fall 2013/Conference days)
This is the current version of the conference program which may still be subject to slight changes.
Conference day 1 Tue, October 29
Morning Session 1. Keynote
Describing the goals and the structure of the conference
This keynote describes how an organic data science approach can benefit Semantic MediaWiki projects for social knowledge collection, particularly those focusing on big data integration and analysis.
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Morning Session 2. Current status and new ideas
30 min.
The yearly "what has happened and what are we currently working on" talk
30 min.
A listing of recent changes and additions to the Semantic Forms extension, and a discussion of what features should be added.
30 min.
A quick look at what Wikidata has achieved so far and where it is going
30 min.
In this talk, I would like to explore with the audience the possibilities to 'travel through time' in Semantic MediaWiki, borrowing concepts and ideas from version control systems.
Morning Session 3. Consulting business
30 min.
This talk covers the experience made with Wikidata by "Hallo Welt! Medienwerkstatt GmbH". It's about why we chose it and what were the difficulties we had to deal with.
30 min.
A professional standard is a document that describes the skills and responsibilities relating to a professional's position. In this talk we describe how a community can collaboratively write a professional standard using Semantic MediaWiki.
20 min.
Our team has created more than 50 semantic encyclopedias since 2006 to build enterprise knowledge at MITRE and customer sites. We will share our social and organizational lessons learned.
20 min.
Talk on using SMW as a working environment for small companies, covering processes from CRM to invoicing.
20 min.
In this talk, I would like to show, how BPM could benefit from semantic technologies through the use of Semantic MediaWiki. successfully implemented numerous Semantic MediaWiki powered BPM projects since 2011. I'd like to share some insights with the community and enterprise users.
Afternoon Session 1. Science and SMW
30 min.
Presents "DataSpace/LabSpace/KnowledgeSpace" a tool that allows to integrate existing data and knowledge on a global level.
30 min.
This talk informs about the work of incorporating Wikidata in "Wikipedia Live Monitor" tool.
30 min.
Towards a collaborative metadata management system for sensor networks using SMW. Steps taken and lessons learned
30 min.
A short talk about how Semantic MediaWiki can be used for hydrological analysis
End of the day
50 min.
Conference day 2 Wed, October 30
Morning Session 1. Semantic Tools
Short summary of the first day
30 min.
We describe preliminary insights about annotating liver patient data in a research project on cognition-guided surgery.
30 min.
DBpedia mappings wiki is an open wiki where poeple can map wikipedia infoboxes to the DBpedia ontology
20 min.
Morning Session 2. Models and SMW
25 min.
Creating and maintaining the content structure of your wiki with forms and templates is cumbersome since wiki code is not very user friendly. With SmartCore you manage content structure as plain content.
25 min.
A description of the semantic wiki style langauge OWF and how to use it to efficiently start up browse and form-based annotation wikis for given ontologies.
20 min.
The talk will be about the work that we have done and still currently doing to develop a theoretical and practical framework that supports the integrated model of processes and ontology, consisting in the creation of a single integrated model in which both aspects are formally represented.
20 min.
This talk describes the analysis of the behaviors of semantic wiki communities and suggests improving the ability of a wiki community to contribute.
Afternoon Session 1. SMW in Public Sector
30 min.
We would like to give a short introduction to established methods in technical writing and typical features of content management systems. Then talk about SMW as tool for writing and accessing documentation.
20 min.
How SMW was used to create a knowledgebase from NYC's municipal open data
20 min.
KDZ - Centre for Public Administration Research has been using SMW in different use cases in the public sector since version 0.9. The talk will showcase some projects and derive lessons learned as well as analyze future requirements to improve usage and uptake of SMW in the public sector.
20 min.
We will describe some uses of wikis in education and research and then discusses how Semantic Mediawiki (SMW) extensions could enhance the user experience in educational and research wikis. We will draw on our own experience with EduTechwiki and related sister sites and on a short literature review. We shall focus on education, but include enhancements to informal research wikis, since sometimes the two are combined. We finally raise a few practical issues with respect to learning SMW technology.
30 min.
Afternoon Session 2. More SMW!
20 min.
A look at the improvements being made to MediaWiki that will benefit you
20 min.
Using SMW to efficiently store the organization project experience and knowledge. We describe the how case analysis methods can be supported with SMW.
20 min.
Quite often, we find it helpful to have the actual name of a page from the perspective of MediaWiki to be an automatically-generated static page id, while allowing a semantic property to indicate a name that would be meaningful to a user. This creates complications, including how to select a page in a field of a semantic form. To support this alternative approach to page naming, we have used a modified version of the SemanticTitle extension as well as several extensions to SemanticForms that we have custom developed and are in the process of submitting to the open source community.
20 min.
How to run and use the Miga Data Viewer, and how it fits into the Semantic MediaWiki ecosystem.
Afternoon Session 3. Community discussion
Community discussion about the future of SMW and SMWCon
Listing the results of the conference