Enabling multinational date formats

From semantic-mediawiki.org

Hi there,

I am looking for a way to enable multiple date formats at once, like e.g. english and german formats. Currently, I can only choose one by setting wgLanguageCode. Do you see a way? Where are the actual definitions stored?

Kind regards and thanks

17:05, 1 February 2013

You can control the output by using the PaserFunctions extension (#time), e.g. [[Has birthdate::{{{birthdate|}}}|{{#time:F j, Y|{{{birthdate}}}}}]] for the English format and [[Hat Geburtsdatum::{{{Geburtsdatum|}}}|{{#time:j. F Y|{{{Geburtsdatum}}}}}]] for the German format.

22:10, 1 February 2013