Large queries break for no obvious reason


In our ReplicationWiki we have trouble with a search form that restricts us to no more than six fields to search in simultaneously, e.g., searching for seven like this:[[Article+authors%3A%3A~*]]+%09%0D%0A[[Article+year%3A%3A~*]]%0D%0A[[Article+JEL+codes%3A%3A~*]]%0D%0A[[Article+methods+and+estimation%3A%3A~*]]%0D%0A[[Article+data+used%3A%3A~*]]%0D%0A[[Article+software+used%3A%3A~*]]%0D%0A[[Article+code%3A%3A1]]&po=&eq=yes&p[format]=broadtable&sort_num=&order_num=ASC&p[limit]=&p[offset]=&p[link]=all&p[sort]=&p[headers]=show&p[mainlabel]=&p[intro]=&p[outro]=&p[searchlabel]=%E2%80%A6+further+results&p[default]=&p[class]=sortable+wikitable+smwtable&eq=yes
produces the error message
"The following query conditions could not be considered due to the wikis restrictions in query size or depth".
Suhosin for us doesn't work as it is not technically possible from the server side. Is there some other solution? ReplicationWiki-fan (talk)

15:39, 5 March 2014

Some configuration settings will have to be adjusted.

15:59, 5 March 2014

That worked for us, thank you!

16:20, 7 March 2014