My property list is mainly empty - what happened and how do I fix it?


Thank you for the suggestion - my problem is similar, but, fortunately, not quite the same.

The properties are there, and they don't show 'invalid content' - just no references.

I'm trying this at the moment, as recommended:

running this three times to rebuild the properties:

php rebuildData.php -ftpv

Now running this twice (maybe three times, it doesn't take too long) to rebuild them:

php rebuildData.php -v

Then I'm going to do a normal 'update', remove the cache and hope..

If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what the next step is.

09:46, 20 August 2014

I don't know if this is connected. Mainly the rebuildData runs through OK, but there are these:

PHP Notice: Undefined index: REMOTE_ADDR in /home/kchcl200/public_html/wiki/extensions/userInfo/userInfo.php on line 43 PHP Notice: Undefined index: REMOTE_ADDR in /home/kchcl200/public_html/wiki/extensions/userInfo/userInfo.php on line 58 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: os in /home/kchcl200/public_html/wiki/extensions/userInfo/userInfo.php on line 83 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: bw in /home/kchcl200/public_html/wiki/extensions/userInfo/userInfo.php on line 133 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: bw in /home/kchcl200/public_html/wiki/extensions/userInfo/userInfo.php on line 158


PHP Warning: preg_split() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in /home/kchcl200/public_html/wiki/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions_body.php on line 811 (1990) Processing ID 1990 ... PHP Warning: preg_split() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in /home/kchcl200/public_html/wiki/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions_body.php on line 811

I'll have to fund page ID 1989 and1990 and see what's going on there.

09:52, 20 August 2014

I've found the pages - it was a very complicated template - that I don't need. I've deleted it and I hope things will get better.

10:22, 20 August 2014

The first lot of notices comes from the unmaintained UserInfo extension, so this is not connected to the problem. Indeed sometimes a template may contain syntax which breaks things or triggers warnings. Usually some falsely applied syntax within the template is the cause. This happens once in a while, but I think that this is not really connected to the issue.

12:46, 20 August 2014

I've narrowed this down.

The problem is that properties are not created and don't have their count increased when a page is saved.

They are recognised as properties on the page.

Categories are saved.

I've put the versions at the bottom - but PHP and MySQL are at different versions - the wikis are both running the same SMW (also listed at the bottom)

This is the test I've run. The first wiki is the original wiki. The second is the copy of it running on another machine.

Test of two wiki's:

First wiki:

==Property Test==

[[Has type::Text]]
[[Has colour::Orange]]
[[Capital of::Burkina Faso]]

Create Page:

Left hand column shows 'Browse properties'
Items show up as:

Blue - Text
Red - Orange 1,475,223 Burkina Faso - City African
Black - Ouagadougou

Browse property page shows:

Sandpit:Property test
Capital of	Burkina Faso 
Has colour	Orange 
Location	Ouagadougou  
Population	1,475,223 
Categories	City  , African  
Modification date	22 August 2014 07:34:45  
Has type	Text  

Categories page shows African & City
Properties Page:


Capital of - 1 use
Has Type   - 4 uses
Has colour - 1 use
Location   - 75 uses
Population - 9 uses

Second Wiki

Create Page:

Left hand column DOES NOT show 'Browse properties'
Items show up as:

Blue - Text
Red - Orange 1,475,223 Burkina Faso - City African
Black - Ouagadougou
Properties Page:

Does NOT show:

Capital of
Has colour

Does show:

Has Type - but only 1 use
Location - but '0' uses

Categories page shows African & City

The physical set up is:

First Machine

Apache version	2.2.27
PHP version	5.3.28
MySQL version	5.5.34-cll-lve
Architecture	x86_64
Operating system	linux
Dedicated IP Address
Path to sendmail	/usr/sbin/sendmail
Path to Perl	/usr/bin/perl
Perl version	5.10.1
Kernel version	2.6.32-531.17.1.lve1.2.60.e

Second Machine

Apache version	
PHP version	5.5.9
MySQL version	5.5.38
Architecture	x86_64
Operating system	linux
Kernel version	Ubuntu 14.04.1

SMW versions Machine One:

Semantic Compound Queries (Version 0.3.4)	A parser function that displays multiple semantic queries at the same time	Yaron Koren
Semantic Drilldown (Version 1.4)	A drilldown interface for navigating through semantic data	Yaron Koren and others
Semantic Extra Special Properties (Version 1.2.1)	Adds some extra special properties to all pages	Leo Wallentin, James Hong Kong and others
Semantic Forms (Version 2.7)	Forms for adding and editing semantic data	Yaron Koren, Stephan Gambke and others
Semantic Forms Inputs (Version 0.7)	Additional input types for Semantic Forms	Stephan Gambke and others
Semantic Image Input (Version 0.3.0 alpha)	Adds an image input that pulls images from Wikipedia to Semantic Forms	Jeroen De Dauw
Semantic Internal Objects (Version 0.7.6)	Setting of internal objects in Semantic MediaWiki	Yaron Koren
Semantic Maps (Version 3.0.4)	Provides the ability to view and edit coordinate data stored with the Semantic MediaWiki extension	Jeroen De Dauw
Semantic MediaWiki (Version 1.9.2)	Making your wiki more accessible - for machines and humans (online documentation)	Markus Krötzsch, Jeroen De Dauw, James Hong Kong and others
Semantic Result Formats (Version 1.9.1)	Additional result formats for Semantic MediaWiki queries	James Hong Kong, Stephan Gambke, Jeroen De Dauw, Yaron Koren and others
Semantic Watchlist (Version 0.2.2)	Lets users be notified of specific changes to Semantic MediaWiki data	Jeroen De Dauw for WikiWorks
SemanticFormsSelect (Version 1.1)	Generate a select field in Semantic Form which values are from query	Jasonzhang
Special pages
Access Log (Version 2.0)	Logs user access to MediaWiki	Aleksandar Bojinovic, Peter Kin-Fong Fong
CheckUser (Version 2.3)	Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information	Tim Starling and Aaron Schulz
EmailPage (Version 2.3.0, 2013-11-30)	Send rendered HTML page to an e-mail address or list of addresses using phpmailer	User:Nad
MaintenanceShell (Version 0.4.0)

SMW versions machine Two

Semantic Compound Queries (Version 0.3.4)	A parser function that displays multiple semantic queries at the same time 	Yaron Koren
Semantic Drilldown (Version 1.4)	A drilldown interface for navigating through semantic data 	Yaron Koren and others
Semantic Extra Special Properties (Version 1.2.1)	Adds some extra special properties to all pages 	Leo Wallentin, James Hong Kong and others
Semantic Forms (Version 2.7)	Forms for adding and editing semantic data 	Yaron Koren, Stephan Gambke and others
Semantic Forms Inputs (Version 0.7)	Additional input types for Semantic Forms 	Stephan Gambke and others
Semantic Image Input (Version 0.3.0 alpha)	Adds an image input that pulls images from Wikipedia to Semantic Forms 	Jeroen De Dauw
Semantic Internal Objects (Version 0.7.6)	Setting of internal objects in Semantic MediaWiki 	Yaron Koren
Semantic Maps (Version 3.0.4)	Provides the ability to view and edit coordinate data stored with the Semantic MediaWiki extension 	Jeroen De Dauw
Semantic MediaWiki (Version 1.9.2)	Making your wiki more accessible - for machines and humans (online documentation) 	Markus Krötzsch, Jeroen De Dauw, James Hong Kong and others
Semantic Result Formats (Version 1.9.1)	Additional result formats for Semantic MediaWiki queries 	James Hong Kong, Stephan Gambke, Jeroen De Dauw, Yaron Koren and others
Semantic Watchlist (Version 0.2.2)	Lets users be notified of specific changes to Semantic MediaWiki data 	Jeroen De Dauw for WikiWorks
SemanticFormsSelect (Version 1.1)	Generate a select field in Semantic Form which values are from query 	Jasonzhang
Special pages
Access Log (Version 2.0)	Logs user access to MediaWiki 	Aleksandar Bojinovic, Peter Kin-Fong Fong
CheckUser (Version 2.3)	Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information 	Tim Starling and Aaron Schulz
EmailPage (Version 2.3.0, 2013-11-30)	Send rendered HTML page to an e-mail address or list of addresses using phpmailer 	User:Nad
MaintenanceShell (Version 0.4.0)	Wiki interface for maintenance scripts 	Andrew Fitzgerald and Timo Tijhof
Parser hooks
and Chklist (Version 0.1.1)	Add checkbox on your wiki page 	Shadowritter
DynamicPageList (Version 2.01)	A highly flexible report generator for MediaWikis 	Gero Scholz
GetUserName (Version 1.0)	Get current user's name. 	Ejcaputo
Maps (Version 3.0.1)	Enables embedding of dynamic maps into wiki pages, geocoding of addresses and other geographical operations. 	Jeroen De Dauw
MsUpload (Version 9.5.1)	Enables easy uploads (when available also via drag&drop) for one or multiple files simultaneously | Ratin
ParserFunctions (Version 1.5.1)	Enhance parser with logical functions 	Tim Starling, Robert Rohde, Ross McClure and Juraj Simlovic
Strtotime (Version 1.0)	Represents time as a string containing a US English date format 	Xavier Atero
SubPageList (Version 1.1)	Allows to list and count subpages 	Jeroen De Dauw
UserInfo (Version 1.0)
09:16, 22 August 2014

Allowing others to join in: related thread on the mailing list

12:48, 20 August 2014

I have a feeling that the advice should, maybe, have been to run:

php rebuildData.php -f

once - because this rebuilds everything from scratch.

Then this a few times:

php rebuildData.php -vcpt

to rebuild all the tables

then to build the remaining table with:

php rebuildData.php -v

At least I'm trying this now - it didn't seem to make sense to run with the -f option more than once.

Am I missing something?

13:16, 20 August 2014

Ah, new options to the script. Hmm ..., did I document this? No I would do the classic php rebuildData.php -fv once and when php rebuildData.php -v once. I do not think that what you are doing will work / is meant to work. If you want to rebuild specific tables thereafter you may use all these "cpt" options.

14:15, 20 August 2014

I'd really like to know how to understand what happened - so it doesn't happen again.... as well, of course, fixing it now.

The -v option is, as I understand it, supposed to visit each page, check if there are any properties on it, and, if there are, then recreate them. This should bring the properties back.

The fact that it hasn't, after running it a number of times, is a concern - where should I be looking to see what it's not doing?

The properties themselves are there, and not showing red any more, so it seems to have sorted out the table of properties itself, just not the pointers to where the properties are used.

that's why I thought that the -cpt options, particularly the -p option, might help.

Is there an error log somewhere that might help show what's not working?

14:22, 20 August 2014

The -v option just tells the script to prompt what it is doing while it is doing something. So basically you are deleting the store rebuild specific tables with -cpt and then rebuild the rest of the tables. To me this appears like building a car by adding the seats, trunk and lights etc. and when try to somehow add the chassis at the very end of the process. I doubt that this will work.

12:18, 21 August 2014

That certainly wouldn't work!

Looking at the documentation, it suggested that the standard, with no option, or a -v if you want to see how it is going, rebuilds the properties and so forth by looking at each page in turn from pageID 0000 on to 4000 or however many there are.

The -cpt, on the other hand, seem to rebuild the tables from properties, categories and other indices that it gets from elsewhere, an existing table or log, presumably - because it is much quicker and only looks at the ~500 items.

So the logic, to me, was to make sure the tables for the indices were in place with the -cpt option. Then get it to go through each page adding links to the indices.

The logic behind running it more than once was that there might be links that are not apparent the first time, concealed by parse expressions or similar that it might pickup on another pass.

I was hoping that one of the authors of the script could enlighten me on whether I've misunderstood.

12:45, 21 August 2014