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The test on sandbox failed because of the experimental Content Security Policy setting. It is now working as expected after removing the policy setting.

19:29, 20 December 2018

Yup. That did the trick, and the code that does not work on my own server works just fine in the Sandbox - even without explicitly defining any date datatypes (maybe that's done behind the scenes somewhere?). Thanks for pointing out the sandbox for me, that at least gives me a place to start! I'll pour through the versions and requirements. In the end, it may simply be a matter of ripping and reinstalling SMW and SRF.

I'm still struggling a little with the syntax to define a date datatype, but I'll play around with it in the sandbox until I figure that out.

Thanks again!

19:56, 20 December 2018

On sandbox the respective properties were already set by another person. So editing the property page as described in the link I provided did not work for you?

23:23, 20 December 2018

GOT IT! It took a while, but I finally figured out that I needed to create new Property:Has_event_start and Property:Has_event_end pages.

Thanks for your patience!

02:57, 21 December 2018

No worries. Great to read that it is working now. Probably to easy. Happens to me sometimes, too. :)

19:29, 21 December 2018