Iván Hernández-Cazorla

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User page

Iván Hernández-Cazorla(Ivanhercaz)
Digital humanist and researcher in the fields of the cultural heritage, the free/open knowledge and the open science. I am from the Canary Islands and I work as freelancer as Coruja Digital, inside and outside of the Canary Islands.

Babel user information
es-N Este usuario tiene una comprensión nativa del español.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello elementare in italiano.
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Iván Hernández-Cazorla

Welcome to my user page!

I am very interested in Semantic MediaWiki because I think this set of extensions make the MediaWiki installations a powerful tool for different purposes, specially for the humanities and the cultural heritage.

How I contribute?

Another projects

I contribute in many other projects, like Wikipedia and Wikidata. I will tell you more about it soon, because at the end, all seems to be connected!

Name  Hernández-Cazorla
First name  Iván
Job title  Digital humanist and cultural heritage manager
Email  ivan@corujadigital.tech
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Events  SMWCon Fall 2020

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Rescue and value of African cultural heritage in the Canary Islands: a wiki powered by Semantic MediaWikiPresentation of a Semantic MediaWiki use case to manage, visualize and analyze data about African cultural heritage located in the Canary Islands.SMWCon Fall 2020