Help talk:Maintenance



Thread titleRepliesLast modified
suggested lines of code don't copy-paste well from this page310:21, 2 March 2019

suggested lines of code don't copy-paste well from this page

I just tried to copy-paste

/path/to/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/remove­Duplicate­Entities.php --quiet

from the previous page. When I tried to paste it into my editor to put it into a script file, it pasted as

/path/to/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/remove-­Duplicate-­Entities.php --quiet (emphasis is mine)

As in it added dashes in those places. When I tried to copy-paste from the help page to here this does not happen.

If something like that happened to regular text that would be one thing, but when it happens to a code snippet it could really send someone the wrong direction. I can't see in the page why it does that, so could not just correct it. I tried putting it there as @monthly 3.15 php /path/to/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/remove­Duplicate­Entities.php --quiet but the weird hyphenation thing still happens.

03:43, 2 March 2019

Also, after I saved this new discussion entry, the page stayed as "creating... " even after saving. When I tried to leave it gave me the same warning you get when you try to leave with unsaved data. The comment was saved, though.

03:45, 2 March 2019

I guess this is a usual hiccup of the LiquidThreads extension. Have not had this in a long time but obviously it can still happen. I am afraid that there is not much I can do about it.

10:21, 2 March 2019

Yeah, I fixed this. I believe we have mailed about something like this in some e-mail last year. Thanks for the pointer.

10:20, 2 March 2019