Sum converting to bar chart


I'm trying to figure out how to get the jqplotchart to display a simple bar chart based on a "sum" from a property.

I would appreciate it if anyone has a link to examples of how this could be done.

Thanks in advance

00:10, 8 December 2013

If you were trying to do "count" instead, that would be easy to do, using the "distribution" parameter. Doing a "sum" is harder... does each grouping of values correspond to a page? If so, maybe the best solution is to have each of those pages store its own sum, using a combination of #set and #ask; and then query on all of those semantically-stored sums.

00:33, 10 December 2013

See [1], since SMW 1.9/SRF 1.9 parameter |aggregation=property or |aggregation=subject should do the trick.


02:51, 10 December 2013

Ooh, I didn't know about that! It sounds great... does it always just do a "sum"?

16:38, 10 December 2013

Thank you. Looks like the Aggregation parameter will do what I want. Very slick!

One more reason to stop procrastinating about upgrading from SMW 1.8/SRF 1.8

01:41, 12 December 2013