Sébastien Beyou

From semantic-mediawiki.org
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Name  Beyou
First name  Sébastien
Job title  General Director at Wiki Valley
Photo  Photo 2016-09-28 112455 SebastienBeyou.jpg
Agenda Picture  
Social links  @sseb35
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Publish?  Yes
Events  SMWCon Fall 2016,

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Talk Other SMWCon TalksDescriptionEvent
Connections between SMW and WikibaseSemantic MediaWiki and Wikibase are two implementations of the idea of semantic Web inside MediaWiki. The first one is basically semantic annotations inside a text, and the second one is very structured data without surrounding text. Both have advantages and different uses. This lightning talk will explore these different approaches and open the discussion about the opportunity of linking together these two tools in order to use both ecosystems in a coherent perspective.SMWCon Fall 2019

Hi! I’m Sébastien Beyou from France, long-time Wikimedian and now consultant about MediaWiki and optionally other free softwares. I co-founded with Nicolas Nallet the enterprise Wiki Valley in July 2016 to propose MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki consulting in France.

I use to read the code, to open bugs, and to fix some. We develop and maintain an extension to manage MediaWiki farms, it’s called MediaWikiFarm :)