Enterprise Linked Data: Open or closed?

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SMWCon Fall 2014Enterprise Linked Data: Open or closed?
SMWCon Fall 2014
Enterprise Linked Data: Open or closed?
Talk details
Description: In this talk I will throw new light on the reasons why metadata is key for professional information management, and why W3C's semantic web standards are so important to reduce costs of data management through economies of scale. I will discuss from a multi-stakeholder perspective several use cases for the industrialization of semantic technologies and linked data.
Speaker(s): Andreas Blumauer
Slides: see here
Type: Keynote
Audience: Everyone, Business people
Event start: 2014/10/03 09:10:00 AM
Event finish: 2014/10/03 10:00:00 AM
Length: 50 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: Enterprise Knowledge Management, Enterprise Linked Data, Corporate Semantic Web, Social Semantic Web, Collaboration, Tagging, Recommender Systems, Linked Open Data
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Linked Data has become a broadly adopted approach for information management and data management not only by government organisations but also more and more by various industries.

Enterprise linked data tackles several challenges like the improvement of information retrieval tools or the integration of distributed data silos. Enterprises understand better and better why their information management should not be limited by organisational boundaries but should rather consider to integrate and link information from different spheres like the public internet, government organisations, professional information providers, customers and even suppliers.

On the other hand, enterprise IT architects still tend to pull down the shutters wherever possible. The continuation of the success of the Semantic Web doesn't seem to be limited by technical barriers anymore but rather by people's mindsets of intranets being strictly cut off from other information sources.

In this talk I will throw new light on the reasons why metadata is key for professional information management, and why W3C's semantic web standards are so important to reduce costs of data management through economies of scale. I will discuss from a multi-stakeholder perspective several use cases for the industrialization of semantic technologies and linked data.


Andreas Blumauer, MSc IT studied Computer Sciences and Business Administration at the University of Vienna. Since 2004, he is managing partner of the Semantic Web Company. Andreas is experienced with large-scale IT-projects in various industry sectors, and he is also responsible for the product management of PoolParty Semantic Platform.

He has been a pioneer in the area of the semantic web since 2002; he is co-founder of SEMANTiCS conference series, co-editor and editor of one of the first comprehensive books in the area of the semantic web for the German speaking community.

He is also lecturer at Danube University Krems in the areas of knowledge management systems, social software and semantic technologies.