Discuss Maintenance script "rebuild­Data.php"

From semantic-mediawiki.org


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
rebuildData: Main slot of revision 386524 not found in database!211:08, 9 January 2020
Problem with parameter --conf211:28, 5 July 2016

rebuildData: Main slot of revision 386524 not found in database!

Hi, running the maintenance script rebuildData I got the following error: [c86800143005c97e50467310] [no req] MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionAccessException from line 1643 of /var/www/w/includes/Revision/RevisionStore.php: Main slot of revision 386524 not found in database!

The result is that now I cannot browse the article properties (browse wiki says: This page has no properties.) unless I open the article in edit mode and simply save it.

Is there something that I can do to solve this problem?


11:40, 8 January 2020

Hi, could you inform us the MediaWiki, Semantic MediaWik, PHP and the database version you are using?

14:01, 8 January 2020

I guess we are talking about this MediaWiki core bug (T212428). I am not sure if the core developers intend to tackle this any time soon.

11:08, 9 January 2020

Problem with parameter --conf

I have got a wikifamiliy with different LocalSettingsXXX.php. Therefore I tried to run rebuildData with the paramenter --conf.

php extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/maintenance/rebuildData.php --conf LocalSettingsDeveloper.php -f -v

Unfortunatly I get this error message:

A copy of your installation's LocalSettings.php must exist and be readable in the source directory.

My Server runs with:

MediaWiki 1.25.5

PHP 5.6.23 (apache2handler)

PostgreSQL 9.4.6

When I start runJobs.php and the parameter --conf everthing is fine. Any help?

09:58, 29 June 2016

Try to do it with an absolute path to "LocalSettingsDeveloper.php" like e.g. "--conf=/path/to/LocalSettingsDeveloper.php"

13:35, 29 June 2016

Thank you! That was the solution. Great.

11:28, 5 July 2016