Extension "Semantic Forms Inputs"

From semantic-mediawiki.org
Semantic Forms Inputs
Nouveaux types d'entrée de données pour Semantic Forms
Further Information
Homepage: → external page
Maintainer(s): Stephan Gambke
First released: Septembre 2009
Release: stable
Development: discontinued
Area of usage: Adding and modifying data
Association:SMW = Semantic MediaWiki, SB = Extension "Semantic Bundle", MW = MediaWiki SMW, SB
Shortcut:This is the shortcut to mark the beginning of the subject line when writing a support request to the mailing list or to the extension's author directly. See also this help page. SFI
Wikidata-ID: not yet provided

Semantic Forms Inputs est une extension de Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) qui fournit plusieurs nouveaux type d'entrées pour les formulaires comme des calendriers (datepicker, timepicker...)