The task for SMW or not?


I may confer with the previous commenter not being able to see the full extend of what you want to achieve but for what it's worth maybe the following datamodel can help.

Have your labels that point (from the origin subject) to (or from) the source being collected as part of a subobject like:

Page "SomeSubject" that relates to:

 |Has label=One,Two,Three,...|+sep=,

With above statement you should be able the search for labels that point to the subject that contain those labels without having to create any redirects.

{{#ask: [[Has label::~*Two*]] }}

If the search of a subject that contain some of those labels (with "Has label" being of either "Page" or "Text" type) is not your primary objective then you need to clarify the intention of your DM.

08:50, 9 July 2015