Dates without years

Fragment of a discussion from Help talk:Type Date

> type 'Date' consists of just a day and a month, for instance "2 February" - a query for "2 February"

Well, it is conceivable that a user would interpret "2 February" as something like 2nd of Feb with NO YEAR but the system understands the input as 0002 Year + 2nd Month hence the point in time is fixed by (Calendar model 2 (JL)/2 (Year) / 2(Month)) without a specific day or time.

From that perspective, Year + Month are allowed to exists without having to specify a day or time.

10:22, 26 January 2016

Oh I see, that makes sense and it explains why the date is listed as "February 2" in Special:Browse, if I recall correctly, and why "33 February" is permitted as well.

11:54, 26 January 2016