Extension "Semantic Expressiveness"

From semantic-mediawiki.org
Semantic Expressiveness
Adds a syntax for more expressive short queries
Further Information
Homepage: → external page
Maintainer(s): Daniel A. R. Werner
First released: March 2012
Release: experimental
Development: unmaintained
Area of usage: Searching and browsing data
Association:SMW = Semantic MediaWiki, SB = Extension "Semantic Bundle", MW = MediaWiki SMW
Shortcut:This is the shortcut to mark the beginning of the subject line when writing a support request to the mailing list or to the extension's author directly. See also this help page. SEE
Wikidata-ID: Q21678477

The Semantic Expressiveness extension automatically adds an alternative syntax for more expressive / simpler inline queries. The purpose of this simplest form of an inline query is to provide a powerful tool for fighting redundancies within the wiki. It is possible to use simple references in form of this new syntax to place the same information in various places without writing redundant information. This way if the property changes, the information will update itself all over the wiki wherever the new syntax is in place.

There are also further features like parser functions for template developers and a JavaScript context popup using AJAX to display further information on cross-article inline queries.