Translating system messages and other localisable strings

< SMWCon Fall 2017(Redirected from Translating system messages and other localisable strings)
SMWCon Fall 2017Translating system messages and other localisable strings
SMWCon Fall 2017
Translating system messages and other localizable strings
Talk details
Description: Short introduction on how to provide translated and/or localised system messages to Semantic MediaWiki and related extensions.
Speaker(s): Karsten Hoffmeyer
Slides: see here
Type: Demo, Workshop, Tutorial
Audience: Everyone, Community, Admins, New users
Event start: 2017/10/04 15:10:00
Event finish: 2017/10/04 15:30:00
Length: 20 minutes
Video: not available
Keywords: system message, translation, localization
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