Smart and professional integration of office documents

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SMWCon Fall 2015Smart and professional integration of office documents
SMWCon Fall 2015
Smart and professional integration of office documents
Talk details
Description: This presentation introduces a smart way of integrating word documents into a Semantic MediaWiki.
Speaker(s): Wolfgang Fahl
Slides: see here
Type: Technical talk, Demo, Presentation
Audience: Everyone, Developers, Admins
Event start: 2015/10/29 17:50:00
Event finish: 2015/10/29 18:20:00
Length: 30 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: semantic extensions, content management, semantic application
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Most people use Office documents:

  • Powerpoint
  • Excel
  • Word
  • PDFs
  • ... you name it

in their project and fear to move to a wiki / semantic wiki due to the issues that may come up with working with a wiki and these documents in a fashion that makes sense.

With the smartMediaWiki approach already shown at SMWCon Spring 2015 in St. Louis it is possible to do some nice integrations that automate tedious tasks of getting Office content into a wiki and built on that to get even more benefits. The new Word format for the Semantic Result Formats extension is a means to get a round-trip result. We'll show an example where annotated pages haven been imported from PDF files and can now be shown as Word files any time.

Pdf file of slides: ProfessionalOfficeIntegrationWF2015-10.pdf