Help:Schema/Error handling
There are two broad categories of errors that can occur while working with content in the smw/schema
Type of errors[edit]
- JSON input error normally caused by some invalid syntax or incompatibilities with how the JSON should be structured
- Schema validation against a validation schema may identify inconsistencies with the assigned schema and cause error(s)
Syntax error[edit]
The best and fastest method to produce a JSON compatible input is to use a online validation service or a JSON editor to check that the input document adheres the requirements to pass the JSON syntax check.
Validation error[edit]
A JSON validation schema can be assign to each schema type to help produce consistent schemata and eliminate maintenance effort during and after the input.
A validation schema defines constraints, restrictions, and characteristics of a JSON content using the specification and can be very strict on which properties, attributes and values are to be allowed or can be more lenient towards some user input.
Note: It should be noted that the detection of errors and their description are produced by a specialized component that is not part of Semantic MediaWiki or MediaWiki and therefore appear in English and cannot be translated.