Help talk:Templatefile format



Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Is it possible to export to spreadsheet format ?013:47, 3 March 2021
beacon export not working212:48, 3 March 2019

Is it possible to export to spreadsheet format ?

using application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet MIME type ?

13:47, 3 March 2021

beacon export not working

I just notice the link "beacon export" is not working at the File output section. I do not know how to fix it.

20:38, 1 March 2019

I mean the result is not returning the data at the file.

20:48, 1 March 2019

Have a look at the template and what is used for `template arguments`.

PS: We should change those parameters! (see

12:48, 3 March 2019