Discuss Help:SPARQLStore and Fuseki

From semantic-mediawiki.org


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Problem with ask in fuseki210:45, 19 December 2014

Problem with ask in fuseki


I am using SMW 1.9, Mediawiki 1.23 and Fuseki 1.1 I can annotate data with SMW and data is stored in Fuseki. However, the ask inline query doesn't work with SMW+Fuseki. I tried it with the debug format and I copied the generated SPARQL query in Fuseki. As mentioned here: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wiki.semediawiki.devel/4527

It works very well in Fuseki, but in SMW no results?? Please, can you help me on that? Thanks, Best regards

17:37, 17 December 2014

Please make sure you read the release notes that are accompanied to a specific release [0], only release 2.0+ supports Fuseki.

[0] https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/blob/master/docs/releasenotes/RELEASE-NOTES-2.0.md

19:07, 17 December 2014

It works well with SMW2.0 Thanks.

10:45, 19 December 2014