Help:SPARQLStore (custom)

Custom access point to the SPARQLStore
Further Information
Short name: Custom
Provided by: Semantic MediaWiki
Added: 2.0.0
Removed: still in use
Keyword : RDFRDF · SPARQLStoreSPARQLStore · Database connectorDatabase connector
Table of Contents

To configure Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) to use a SPARQL database, you need to know the location of the SPARQL query service and the location of the SPARQL update service. Optionally, you can also make use of a service that supports the SPARQL over HTTP protocol for updates (if used, SMW will prefer this method over SPARQL Update for simple update requests; it can be omitted if problems occur).

Defining a custom connector[edit]

$smwgSparqlRepositoryConnector = 'custom';
$smwgSparqlCustomConnector = 'MyCustomHttpRepositoryConnector';

This means that the custom connector is called "MyCustomHttpRepositoryConnector". Ideas on how to create this custom connector can be taken from existing implementations.

Predefined database connectors[edit]

Stores that are conforming to the official SPARQL and SPARQL Update standards should mostly work out of the box. In many cases, the setting $smwgSparqlDataEndpoint = ''; should be used, since support for the (optional) data endpoint protocol is not well tested.

To take advantage of special features of your store, a modified implementation can be created easily by subclassing SparqlDBConnectionProvider together with changing configuration parameter $smwgSparqlCustomConnectorDefines the SPARQL custom database connectors. Other examples include:

Help PageConnectorDescriptionVersion
Help:SPARQLStore (custom)CustomCustom access point to the SPARQLStore2.0.0
Help:SPARQLStore (default)DefaultDefault access point to the SPARQLStore1.6.0
Help:SPARQLStore and VirtuosoVirtuosoVirtuoso access point to the SPARQLStore1.7.1
Help:SPARQLStore and 4store4store4store access point to the SPARQLStore2.0.0
Help:SPARQLStore and BlazegraphBlazegraphBlazegraph access point to the SPARQLStore2.3.0
Help:SPARQLStore and FusekiFusekiJena Fuseki access point to the SPARQLStore2.0.0
Help:SPARQLStore and SesameSesameSesame (RDF4J) access point to the SPARQLStore2.1.0