Help:Query expressions


Query expressions may be used in search fields such as for filtering property values an allow for narrowing down the results to be shown.

The following query expressions may be used for case sensitive matching:

  • ~ (like): results should include the term, e.g. '~Foo'
  • ! (not): results should not include the term, e.g. '!Bar'
  • !~ (not like): results should not include the term, e.g. '!~Bar'

The following query expressions may be used for case insensitive matching:

  • in: (include): results should include the term, e.g. 'in:Foo'
  • not: (not include): results should not include the term, e.g. 'not:Bar'
  • phrase: (include in given order): results should include the term in the given order, e.g. 'phrase:Foo Bar Baz'
This case insensitive matching however depends on the selected Query Engine, e.g. a relational database backend (SMWSQLStore3) with full-text search enabled or a Elasticsearch backend (SMWElasticStore)