Entropia Planets

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Entropia Planets


This wiki is about the online virtual universe called Entropia Universe, which consists of multiple virtual planets each with their own theme and managed and developed by different companies. Currently there are 5 planets that are 'live' .

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What is the wiki about? (topic)[edit]

This wiki is about the online virtual universe called Entropia Universe

Entropia Universe.png

This virtual universe consist of multiple virtual planets each with their own theme and managed and developed by different companies.

Currently there are 5 planets that are 'live'

Calypso.jpg ROCKtropia.jpg Next Island.jpg Arkadia.jpg Cyrene.jpg

And a couple more are planned for the near future

Beladcom.jpg Theryon Wars.jpg

The goal of our wiki is to gather and make easy accessible all the info for all the planets

What is the history of the wiki - when was it created, and by whom?[edit]

What are typical pages on the wiki?[edit]

One of the typical pages of this wiki is a list of all the creatures that can be found on the different planets. These tables are made with inline queries generated from a long list of creatures from all the different planets. For every creature page there are multiple properties which are filled in with the use of forms

EP 001.jpg EP 002.jpg

One other typical page is the listing of the main transportation facility on the planets, called Teleporters

EP 003.jpg EP 004.jpg

Who is using it? (community)[edit]

This wiki is mainly used by the players of the online virtual universe