talk:Community portal/Archive 01


Talk pages on this wiki should primarily be used to address possible mistakes as well as missing and superseded information in the documentation.
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Hallo, das SMW logo hat weiße Ränder die unangenehm vor dem hellblauen Gradienten hervorstechen. Wenn ihr wollt könnt ihr diesen schnell zusammengeschusterten Fix ( verwenden. Die Transparenz ist erhalten. Der Unterschied wird erst vor einem nicht-weissen Hintergrund sichtbar. Gut zu sehen im Vergleich: (

Hi, ein tolle Sache, wie ich finde. Ich bin begeistert. Ich werde mit demjenigen Kontakt aufnehmen, der das "entrauschte" Logo einbinden könnte und dringend dazu raten. An dieser Stelle sende ich Dir schon jetzt vielen Dank und schöne Grüße --kgh 13:54, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
Danke, ich verwende jetzt die entrandete Version (wobei noch das alte Bild erscheinen kann, solange es im Browser lokal gespeichert wurde; in Firefox mit Shift+Reload zu umgehen). Eigentlich wollten wir vor laengerer Zeit bereits ein neues Logo haben, da das jetztige zu unuebersichtlich erscheint. Aber der Antrieb dazu war letztlich doch nocht so stark in der Community, so dass die Aktion dann im Sande verlief. Wir sind aber an sich offen fuer Vorschlaege. --Markus Krötzsch 16:34, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
Klasse, es sieht schon ganz anders aus. Nun, der Vorteil dieses Logos ist, daß es markant und daher gut wiedererkennbar ist. Dennoch, etwas mehr Schlichtheit sollte man sich nicht verschließen. Viele Grüße --kgh 17:19, 11 August 2010 (UTC)


Hi, this template should be removed from this page in order to avoid "hickups" with the new main page. Cheers --kgh 13:43, 31 October 2010 (CET)

Change User to SMW[edit]

a friendly SuggestedEdit - User community - change to SMW community. User is a great way to identify people from a developers or internal perspective. Public perspective, not so much. Best, MarkDilley

I've heard that argument before, but I'm not convinced by it. I guess what originated it is the quote that "There are two industries that refer to their customers as “users” – technology and illegal drugs." I used to think that was a compelling argument, but now I think it's the opposite - people can form deep mental attachments to software the way they sometimes do to drugs (though hopefully in a healthier way), so it seems somehow appropriate that we get the same noun. Yaron Koren 05:31, 3 July 2011 (CEST)

wiki of the month - September again?[edit]

Hi everyone! It's strange that new wiki of the month belongs to the same month as the previous one.--Yury Katkov 11:22, 2 October 2011 (CEST)

Strange indeed! And now fixed. Thanks for pointing that out. Yaron Koren 13:01, 2 October 2011 (CEST)

FlaggedRevs + Semantic MediaWiki issue[edit]

We are trying to build a QMS (Quality Management System) using MediaWiki. With FlaggedRevs we build the workflow of document states (In process, Prepared, Revised and Approved). With Semantic MediaWiki's special Search Data page we have an automatic updated index (this is our "All Documents" page).

When we change a page's state, the page disappears from "All Documents". When the page is edited, even if not modified, the page appears again. This is a problem because the people that revise (and approve) the documents should change the state and then edit the document (without change it) to make it available in "All Documents".

With a trace in the database, we determine that the problem is in the "semantic metadata" in the mw_smw_* tables.

Specifically, the problem is the following code during the review (or approval):

680 Query DELETE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ FROM `mw_smw_rels2` WHERE s_id = '53' 680 Query DELETE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ FROM `mw_smw_atts2` WHERE s_id = '53' 680 Query DELETE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ FROM `mw_smw_text2` WHERE s_id = '53' 680 Query DELETE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ FROM `mw_smw_spec2` WHERE s_id = '53' 680 Query DELETE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ FROM `mw_smw_subs2` WHERE s_id = '53' 680 Query DELETE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ FROM `mw_smw_subp2` WHERE s_id = '53' 680 Query DELETE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ FROM `mw_smw_inst2` WHERE s_id = '53' 680 Query DELETE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ FROM `mw_smw_redi2` WHERE s_title = 'Gestión_de_la_documentación' AND s_namespace = '0' 680 Query SELECT /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ smw_id FROM `mw_smw_ids` WHERE smw_title = AND smw_namespace = '53' AND smw_iw = ':smw' 680 Query UPDATE /* SMW::deleteSemanticData Sgc03 */ `mw_smw_ids` SET smw_namespace = '0' WHERE smw_title = AND smw_namespace = '53' AND smw_iw = ':smw'

This code is in ./extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/storage/SMW_SQLStore2.php

We try to comment this code in the case of a review (or approval), the semantic metadata is not deleted, and the page dont disappear from "All Documents" (OK). But then, when the page is legitimately re-edited, the semantic metadata is inserted again, and this result in a hang in subsequent edits.

We are looking for a way in which the state changes do not eliminate the document for "All Documents" that also intelligently handle subsequent edits

Any advice is wellcome

Regards, Alfonso

Hi Alfonso, Extension:Approved Revs might be an alternative which is a solution adapted for Semantic Media Wiki. However, I suggest to use the mailing list to get further information an advice on this. Cheers --[[kgh]] 21:01, 17 October 2011 (CEST)

Left Navigation Panel is not completely translated for it Chinese version.[edit]

Left Navigation Panel is not completely translated for it Chinese version:

  • 导航
    • Main page
    • Introduction
    • User manual
    • Admin manual
    • Register your wiki
    • 最近更改
  • Links
    • Download SMW
    • Report a bug
    • Source code
    • Code documentation
    • MediaWiki

In addition, at the bottom of the Main page:

  • Content is available under CC-By (Attribution 3.0 Unported).

Linforest 14:34, 27 January 2012 (CET)

Hi Linforest, thank you for informing us about your observations. I am afraid that we cannot solve this since it is a l10n-problem that cannot be solved, at least I do not know how. The title of the menu the link to recent changes and the information regarding the license get automatically translated according to the language setting of the user. All other links are links individual to our wiki. Thus there is no translation available. Translating them would not be a problem either but detecting which language to show is the problem. I guess changing all links to English except the license information will be the best way for consistency reasons. Cheers --[[kgh]] 15:14, 27 January 2012 (CET)
Now I understood. Thanks, Kghbln! --Linforest 15:23, 27 January 2012 (CET)

Let the first two paragraphs use all the available width of the right frame in the main page.[edit]

Let the first two paragraphs use all the available width of the right frame in the main page. Or, there would be a blank at the upper-right corner when Firefox is used.

Change the source code for the format:

<div style="max-width: 750px; float: left; margin-left: 15px;">

as the following:

<div style="float: left; margin-left: 15px;">

A modified example is the zh-hans version of the main page.

Linforest 15:03, 27 January 2012 (CET)

I thought about that too, but I believe this was done purposely as the new style main pages were created. I will ask someone who has more information to this. Cheers --[[kgh]] 15:16, 27 January 2012 (CET)
Thanks! --Linforest 15:24, 27 January 2012 (CET)
This was done to achieve a higher grade of readability for the main page, especially for users with wide screens. I guess this page describes it best. The more I think of it the better it is to have it at least on main page. Cheers --[[kgh]] 00:33, 28 January 2012 (CET)
This format is not for Firefox only. That's alright. Anyway, Thanks, Kghbln! --Linforest 14:59, 28 January 2012 (CET)
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