Configuration syntax changed?



The extension page gives $srfgFormats[] as the configuration parameter whereas the DefaultSettings.php uses smwgResultFormats[]. I suppose the information on the extension page is outdated?

Also, the list of formats enabled by default given in the "Configuration" section differs from DefaultSettings.php.

I can update the documentation but wanted to check first.

Best regards, Frank

MediaWiki 1.27.4 | PHP 5.6.25 | BlueSpice 2.27.3 | SRF 1.8

14:45, 18 January 2019

Note that you are using an very much outdated version of SRF. However in your version and current master $srfgFormats needs to be used.

14:37, 19 January 2019

Many thanks for your quick reply and this clarification.

16:46, 21 January 2019

> Also, the list of formats enabled by default given in the "Configuration" section differs from DefaultSettings.php.

Thank a lot: Good find! I just updated according to "DefaultSettings.php" in current master.

14:43, 19 January 2019