Fasten seatbelt and lock the doors! Security from develpment to deployment

< MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024Fasten seatbelt and lock the doors! Security from develpment to deployment
MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Fasten seatbelt and lock the doors! Security from development to deployment
Talk details
Description: Some thoughts and experiences on how to continuously ensure and monitor the state of security of a MediaWiki deployment.
Speaker(s): Markus Glaser
Type: Talk
Audience: Developers, Community, Admins
Event start: 2024/11/04 15:00:00
Event finish: 2024/11/04 15:30:00
Length: 30 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: ci/cd, deployment, security
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In this talk, I will share some thoughts and experiences on a secure deployment of BlueSpice MediaWiki distribution. The talk will focus on

  • some compliance frameworks and their requirements for secure development and shipping
  • automated tools that help find vulnerabilites and follow best practices
  • the CVE system raise awareness for known vulnerabilities and how we use it for publishing known security issues in our software