Status of SMW timeline project


I have been seeking help with both the SMW implementation and its parent Simile-widgets for about a month now but to little avail so far. The Simile list is set to moderate new member posts and mine have been o/s for over 3 weeks with email reminders un-actioned. Various emails to possible helpers have also gone unanswered so far too.

I am some way along implementing the SMW format here but have various outstanding issues. The project is crowd-sourced and funded so prospects of payments for sorting out issues are limited. However, if I can get the thing working properly I will likely be monitoring this page carefully and helping where I can as my own usage experience grows. Comments anyone???

12:47, 16 October 2013

Still no joy with the Simile Widgets group and little apparent activity here either. If anyone here is a member of the group I would appreciate a post pointing out the difficulty for new members registering. My guess is there may have been quite a few who have simply given up - pity really because existing members are reasonably active.

I may be wrong but, From what I can gather there seems to be little interest in developing this particular SRF format further. So, FI, I have set up a project on the Wikispooks Sandbox wiki and solicited help in modifying the SMW timeline scripts to make it a little more like the original. Full details are available here. Anyone interested, please email me or chip in here or at the linked page.

14:20, 2 November 2013

I got your email a week or so ago, and I am interested in assisting with improvement of this extension. Unfortunately I have way too much on my plate right now, so it'll probably be at least a couple months. Also, SMW 1.9 is going to be released soon (~Dec 2013), and with that I believe there are some changes to Semantic Results Formats.

16:01, 2 November 2013

Thanks James. I'm plodding on with easy changes (removal of double dates in the bubbles is done). I'll post about progress on the Sandbox site and here if it seems appropriate. From other email exchanges I've had, I think it unlikely that there will be significant - if any - changes to the timeline format in the 1.9 release, but then it is just one of about 30 others :-)

16:07, 2 November 2013

A good alternative is this new timeline format:

02:15, 24 November 2013

Thanks Jeroen. I've had a few email exchanges with Yuri on this and still not managed to get it working. It would help my confidence to see it working on a wiki somewhere. I've offered my own Sandbox site but no takers yet. My provisional judgement is that it has great potential but is currently in a state somewhere between raw and totally unusable on a production site.

09:43, 24 November 2013